Top 5 life hacks with starch

Today in the article we will talk about some of the features of using starch, which is available in almost every store and every home. Apart from its main purpose in the food industry, people use it for other purposes.

starchSince ancient times, its various beneficial properties have been noticed and gradually this list has increased. If you don’t have this ingredient at home, then after reading the article you will probably think about purchasing it.

Life hacks using starch

The most popular since ancient times has been the use of starch coating for processing clothes. This gave it durability after smoothing. In the modern world, this advice is used less and less, but experienced housewives and professionals in their field have found other uses for this substance. That's why we share useful tips in our article.

Important! The cost of one package is not high on average, and its contents are enough for more than one use, so the presented options will help save the family budget.

cleaning carpet with starch
One popular use is for cleaning carpets and removing stains. In this case, you will need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Sprinkle the carpet generously, paying attention to the areas where stains and dirt accumulate the most.
  2. Leave everything overnight, you can leave it for longer if desired.
  3. The next morning, carefully collect everything using a vacuum cleaner. You can shake out the carpet outside.

Due to their structure, dirt and dust particles will rise to the top along with the scattered starch powder. This will allow you to quickly clean the product.

Important! Do not wet the application area with water, this will cause the substance to stick together and ruin the carpet.

cleaning shoes with starch
Remove odor from shoes. Another useful tip is to remove unpleasant odors. This application is especially relevant for those who wear shoes for a long time without the ability to quickly change and clean them. To remove odor, do the following:

  1. Pour fine powder inside the shoes, break up large lumps. If necessary, shake the shoes further to ensure even distribution.
  2. Leave everything overnight to absorb the smell.
  3. In the morning, carefully remove the contents into a trash bag.

Due to its properties and ability to absorb odorous substances, starch is an excellent adsorbent and means of protection against unpleasant odors.

Remove stains from wallpaper. As in previous methods, in this case the ability to absorb substances and particles of dirt is used. Due to its high adsorption, it can be used to clean wallpaper. But in this case, you will have to slightly wet the wall in advance to attach the powder. After this, apply starch crumbs; if desired, you can use a soft bristle brush to improve the effect. After work, wash everything off with a damp cloth and enjoy the result.

children's plasticine made from starch
Children's plasticine at home. Make safe plasticine and make your children happy. To do this you will need to complete the following action plan:

  1. Mix 2 cups of starch powder with hair conditioner (choose a hypoallergenic option).
  2. Add conditioner until you obtain a homogeneous mass with a viscous consistency, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Add different colors of food coloring to create different types of play dough.
  4. Now your children will make crafts from safe materials.

Cleaning animal fur. Animal fur is no exception. To quickly remove dirt and dust, distribute the contents of one sachet deep into the hair growth. After a few minutes, remove the dirt along with the powder. Additionally, you can use a comb or brush for animals.

The benefits of starch

starch 1As you can see from the presented list of useful tips, starch is very useful in various household chores. With its help you can carry out various tasks and housework. Due to its chemical structure and ability to enter into various reactions, it has a number of irreplaceable properties and advantages. But it is also indispensable in the food industry. Its qualities are used to create dietary foods and as additives to various products to give the necessary consistency to food products.

We hope that these tips were useful to you and helped you solve various everyday problems that people face in everyday life.

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