TOP 12 most unusual gadgets for the office

The average person spends about half of the day (if not more) in the office. Therefore, it is especially important to take care of your workspace and fill it with things that can be not only useful, but also interesting. Fortunately, modern technology allows you to choose the most extraordinary arsenal of devices for all occasions.

1. Portable printer

Suitable for those who do not like to crowd in line at a shared printer. The gadget connects to a laptop and even a smartphone via a wireless network and allows you to quickly print the necessary forms, receipts and contracts. The main advantage of such a printing tool is its compactness: it does not take up much space on the table, and if desired, it can even fit into a bag.

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2. Flash drive-computer

In the modern world, the ability to quickly adapt to any situation is worth its weight in gold. Therefore, every business employee will be able to appreciate this device, especially if there is a business trip ahead.

With such a flash drive, you don't need a bulky laptop or even a tablet. All you need to do is find a monitor (a TV in a hotel room will also work).

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The electronic device contains a low-power processor that allows you to work with documentation. The amount of memory, by the way, is also quite good: 32 GB of ROM and 2 GB of RAM.

3.Smart display

In other words, a stylish electronic display for displaying any information. Similar displays are now installed in almost all large companies, which is incredibly convenient. There is no need to constantly monitor data updates; the device works online, so the temperature value, the number of site visitors, the exchange rate and other similar information will always be displayed up to date.

4. Mobile scanner

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Especially for those who appreciate working with a portable printer, an excellent addition was created - a scanner. This device is also compact, ergonomic and easy to use. With its help, you can forever forget about the blurry photographs of important papers that you took in a hurry using your smartphone.

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Now an electronic copy is not a problem. By the way, the connection to the computer is carried out via Wi-Fi, and documents are saved in JPEG and PDF formats.

5. Keyboard vacuum cleaner

Even the most careful user's keyboard needs cleaning after a while. Dust and all kinds of crumbs can get under the keys and interfere with typing, and it all looks very careless. You won’t be able to clean such a surface with a regular rag or napkin, but with a small vacuum cleaner it will do just fine.

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This device runs on USB, so you don’t need to worry about charging the battery. In addition, it is so small that it can even fit into a handbag.

6. Coffee warmer

It is not necessary to take a massive thermal mug with you to work. A special warmer can also keep your drink hot.

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It looks like a regular cup stand. The only difference is that the design of this device has a heating element.You just need to connect it to your computer via a USB cable and you no longer need to worry that your coffee will get cold while you are at a meeting.

7. USB fan

Unfortunately, not every office has air conditioning. And when the real summer heat sets in, it’s simply impossible to concentrate on work. A small desktop device can help out. Like most similar devices, the fan is connected to the computer.

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Of course, it won’t be able to lower the temperature much, but it can create a pleasant breeze specifically for you! And you can choose any model you like - the range in stores is now quite wide.

8. Smart pen

A lifesaver for those who don't like typing on the keyboard. Such a pen recognizes the written text and translates it into the specific selected font of the electronic document. As a result, everything that you wrote in a notebook or notepad turns into a recording on any of your gadgets.

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9. Posture corrector

Usually, the fact that we hold our back incorrectly is remembered only at the end of the day, when attempts to straighten or stand up lead to nagging pain. Of course, you can leave yourself hundreds of reminders on sticky notes and on your phone, but this is unlikely to help during the reporting period. However, there is a way to develop the healthy habit of “keeping your back.”

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You just need to get a special device that will be attached to your back and every time your body deviates from the correct position, notify you of this with a vibration signal. It will definitely be difficult to forget or not pay attention.

10. Smart CCTV camera

This device is one of the parts of the “smart home” system. With its help, it is very easy to control the production process from a distance.The online camera transmits the broadcast directly to your mobile device, which allows you to always be aware of events.

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Now subordinates will definitely not be able to leave early or do personal business during working hours.

11. USB humidifier

With the onset of cold weather, the need for a compact fan disappears. But after turning on the heating, the problem of dry air appears. If your office does not have a humidifier, you can purchase a small copy of it. Such a gadget will not cost much, but the benefits from it will be enormous!

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The tiny steam generator runs from a laptop or PC via USB. Some models even have an additional flavoring function.

12. Smart plug

Another smart home device that will help you save money. In order not to worry whether the equipment is turned off in all the rooms for which you pay, just install additional modules on the sockets. This way you can set a certain time when they will be de-energized, or you can independently monitor the situation using your smartphone.

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Remember, your performance depends entirely on how comfortable you feel. And each device described above, without any doubt, will make working in the office much more convenient and interesting.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers