I advise you on how to deal with trash at home so that it does not accumulate

Trash is an insidious enemy, because it accumulates unnoticed and is difficult to deal with. However, if you know the right strategy, getting rid of it will not be difficult. Even better, cleaning can turn into a fun mini-game! Today I will tell you how to properly deal with trash in the house.

Hot spot - a small natural disaster

This word translates as “hot spot”. Surely in every home there is a place where trash appears as if out of nowhere. For example, a table in the hallway. Various little things often accumulate there - gloves, advertising leaflets and newspapers, receipts and so on. A good rule of thumb is to sort it all out every day, without letting the trash spread around the house.

Hot spot

Nomadic things

A familiar situation - a piece of furniture seems to be good, but it’s somehow difficult to find a permanent place for it. So a painting moves from one wall to another, a coffee table moves from the room to the balcony. This phenomenon says that the item is uninteresting and is not needed by the owners - it is best to get rid of it.

Emission limit

An interesting idea is to throw away a certain amount of unnecessary things every day. To do this, you need to select a certain number and start the day by selecting “candidates” for the trash. Let's say 5 useless items every day. Everything is considered - from candy wrappers to a bulky and unnecessary closet.


Joy Test

This approach comes from Japan, a country famous for its philosophy of minimalist living space. This is where Marie Kondo, the inventor of the Konmari method, comes from. Thoughtful putting in order involves a kind of communication with each thing. You need to pick it up and understand whether it brings joy. If there is no such feeling, you can safely throw away the item.

Impossible dreams

Often, in a fit of inspiration, things are bought that are never used and become unnecessary. There are such items in almost every home - clever kitchen devices for preparing exotic dishes, exercise equipment, and so on. They not only take up space, but also generously bestow feelings of guilt from laziness and inaction. It is better to either use them or resolutely throw them away.

Dusty guitar

Country garbage

This problem is familiar to many residents of the post-Soviet space. Things that are unsuitable for a city apartment accumulate for months on the balcony or in the closet, waiting to be moved to the country. Then they live out their lives there, littering the place where one could rest. Let's be honest: no one needs five pairs of torn sweatpants.

Virtual move

Nothing helps declutter like preparing for a move. Of course, it is not at all necessary to change your place of residence. However, you can walk around the house and examine your surroundings with a critical eye - what to take with you to your new apartment? This approach is great for identifying unnecessary things.



An interesting technique that helps you see what is invisible in everyday life. To do this, you need to photograph the interior from different angles, and then carefully examine the result. Unnecessary objects that make the room look messy will definitely catch your eye.

But without fanaticism!

No matter how much you would like to dismantle the entire house at once, you must understand that this is unrealistic. It’s better to focus not on speed, but on efficiency, tidying up your apartment gradually and setting yourself goals for the week. For example, before Sunday, sort out the closet with clothes, kitchen shelves and balcony. Little by little the apartment will begin to transform.

Decluttering holiday

If there are a lot of unnecessary, but high-quality things in the house that are a pity to throw away, you can quickly put them in good hands. To do this, you need to collect all the items in one room, prepare a small treat and invite friends. Or even just neighbors. Guests will be able to take away whatever they like. In this way, you can not only get rid of unnecessary things, but also please other people.


Comments and feedback:

The author touched on technology, for which I thank you. The topic of parting with the past is very important. We leave our mistakes behind and take with us what we need now when we “move” to the future. Have to do.


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