I’m talking about the best ways to remove any stains from fabrics.

It's always a shame when a stain spoils your favorite item. But don't despair. Even if you don’t have any special stain removers at hand, you can easily cope with it using folk remedies. I’ll tell you about them today.

Wine stains

If the fabric is light, you can use citric acid. You only need half a teaspoon of powder and a cup of water. The resulting solution must be applied to the stain and after a couple of minutes, rinse the fabric in warm water.

Lemon juice can easily replace the acid and the effectiveness of the method will remain the same. You can also use vinegar or simply rub the stain with a piece of sour fruit before washing.

The next method is no less effective, but it is not suitable for delicate fabrics. You need to pull the area with the stain tightly and pour boiling water over it until the trace of wine disappears. You can add lemon juice or vinegar to hot water, but everything will work without them.

Wine stains

From dense fabrics, such as denim, fresh stains and drops of wine can be removed with a paste of ordinary salt if you thoroughly rub the contaminated area. If the problem is not solved, repeat the procedure several times. After this, rinse off the salt with cold water and wash the item warm with powder.

But you can also soak damaged clothes in hot milk. Then rinse in cold and wash in a standard cycle in a washing machine with powder.

Greasy spots

Organic solvents, such as alcohol, can easily remove greasy marks on clothes. But they can ruin wool or synthetics. This method is suitable for cotton, but alternatives can be used for other fabrics.

Laundry soap works great if you apply it well to the stain and sprinkle sugar on top. After 15-30 minutes, you need to wipe everything with a damp sponge or cloth and put the item in the wash.

Fresh traces of fat can be easily removed with fine salt. You need to rub it into the stain until it absorbs the grease. The procedure can be repeated several times. When the stain becomes barely noticeable, wash the item with powder in warm water.

Greasy spots

You can also remove fresh marks with shaving foam if you apply it to a cloth and rub thoroughly. After this, leave everything for 15 minutes and wash the item in the washing machine.

If you have mustard powder in the house, you can make a paste out of it by adding a little water and apply it to the problem area. After 30-40 minutes, wash the item in warm water.

Well, perhaps the easiest way is to apply dishwashing detergent to the stain. After all, it was created to dissolve fat. And after an hour, just wash the clothes on the normal cycle in the machine.

Blood stains

They need a slightly different approach. Blood on clothes should not be washed in warm water. It causes the protein to curl up and actually bite into the fabric. This will only make the situation worse.

You need to thoroughly rinse the blood trail under running cold water, then apply laundry soap to it. After 30 minutes or an hour, wash the item in warm water with washing powder.

Blood stains

If blood gets on silk, starch will help. A thick mixture of it and cold water should dry on the stain. After this, you need to shake it off and wash the item on a delicate cycle.

Acetylsalicylic acid, that is, Aspirin, perfectly removes drops of blood from wool fabric. If you add 3-4 tablets to a glass of water and vigorously rub the fabric with it, traces of blood will disappear.

Stains from berries and juices

They are removed in the same way as traces of wine: with citric acid, salt, boiling water, warm milk.

Strawberry stains

But to remove traces of berries from colored clothes, it is best to use glycerin. It is when heated that it is very effective. If you apply it to a stain, leave it for 2-3 hours and then wash the item, not a trace of dirt will remain.

Grass stains

The simplest thing is to soak the fabric in a solution of warm water and salt. To prepare it, use 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of liquid. After soaking in the salty mixture, the item should be washed on a normal cycle in the machine.

Ammonia can discolor a green stain. It must be applied to the fabric using a cotton pad, and then washed.

Grass stains

If ammonia is not found, you can also wipe the stain with wine vinegar before washing. The effect will be the same.

A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution will remove any traces from white cotton fabric. The principle is the same - intensively wipe the problem area and then wash it.

Stains on things from deodorant

If clothes are stained with a freshly applied product, nylon will instantly remove the marks. Yes, just ordinary stockings or tights, collected in the form of a ball, like a rag, will wipe everything without difficulty.

Old deodorant stains that are already ingrained into the fabric will be removed by salt. The contaminated area should be wetted, rubbed with it and left overnight. And in the morning, wash the item as usual.

Deodorant stains

An ordinary detergent can remove not only grease from fabric, but also stubborn dirt.To do this, you need to wash the stain with it instead of soap and leave for half an hour. Next, rinse the item.

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