Feng Shui workplace: 6 useful tips

A huge part of our life is occupied by work. Therefore, of course, it should bring satisfaction. And this depends not only on whether we like what we do or not, but also whether our workplace is organized correctly.

The ancient inhabitants of China were sure that it was very easy and simple to strengthen internal potential and increase financial well-being. You just need to decorate your desktop according to Feng Shui. We have selected several main principles of this Eastern teaching.

Feng Shui desktop

Furniture arrangement

The basic rule of a Feng Shui office is that the table should be placed so that the person sits facing the door, and there is a wall behind him. This will provide peace of mind, relieve tension, and give confidence in your actions. This arrangement will also help you concentrate on your goals.

It is better to place the table not directly opposite the door, but a little away from it. This way you can avoid the influence of the energy that comes from it.

Workspace zones

The table is divided into several important sectors in accordance with the Bagua octagon. And they are already divided into three more important zones. To activate each of these sectors, you must first place a Bagua grid on the table according to the cardinal directions - east, west, south, north. The desktop space is then divided into a central part, right and left sides.
Particularly important attention should be paid to three sectors - wealth (southeast), patrons and acquaintances (northwest), career (north). Their arrangement has almost sacred significance.

Wealth Zone

There should be no hollow or broken objects here. The best option is to place some kind of decor in a golden color, a pot with a money tree, a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, a piggy bank.

Patrons and dating area

It's better to put a fax or telephone here. But in the era of technology, the ideal option is a mobile stand. Also good ideas are a diary, notebook, business card holder.

Career zone

In fact, it is always located directly in front of the person. There must be perfect order here, everything superfluous and unnecessary must be removed. If a work computer or laptop is located in this place, then you can install a screensaver in the form of a waterfall or just water.

Desk areas

Cabinet color scheme

Wall decoration is of great importance. The shades are soothing, put you in a working mood, do not irritate or tire you. Therefore, immediately give up cold colors, especially blue and turquoise. Give preference to a warm palette that will help fill you with energy.

For a work office, green would be the ideal choice. He is a symbol of life. Brown, gray, and beige will also have a beneficial effect.


Desktop shape and color

Any non-standard shapes according to Feng Shui are not acceptable if it is really important to you what kind of Qi energy you receive while sitting at your desk. It is better to pay attention to these forms:

  • Rectangle. Symbolizes reliability and stability. It is acceptable for the corners to be slightly rounded, but always open.
  • Oval. It symbolizes the versatility of personality, therefore it is suitable for people of creative professions.

You should also pay attention to the color of the furniture. Feng Shui says that it should have a brown tint, but does not exclude the presence of various colored decor:

  • black or brown - will help you concentrate on the most important things and not deviate from your goals;
  • orange - for creative people;
  • blue - for accelerated mental activity and making the right decisions;
  • yellow - will cheer you up and inspire;
  • red - improves the flow of Qi energy.

It will be great if metal or products made from it are present in the decoration or decor of the desktop.



Undoubtedly, the best option is paintings and talismans.

As for the first, well-chosen canvases activate success, wisdom, improve mood, and have a beneficial effect on financial well-being, efficiency, and academic performance. You can hang images of ponds, fountains, waterfalls, lakes, surf, rivers. They are a symbol of wealth and financial well-being.

Important! The picture is hung in front of the table so that a person can look at it, but not behind his back.

The best talisman that brings profit, wealth, and success is considered to be an aquarium with fish.


Plants and flowers

Qi energy can sometimes be too fast. It is in this case that it is more depressing than positive. To regulate its flow, Feng Shui suggests using living plants indoors.

For a work office, the ideal option would be flowers with Yang energy, which stretch upward and curl. They promote development, career growth, the movement of positive energy, success and luck. These include:

  • fatsia;
  • Zamioculcas;
  • yucca;
  • pandanus;
  • philodendron;
  • anthurium;
  • almost all succulents and cacti;
  • Dieffenbachia.

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