Five kitchen “helpers” that kill the taste of food

People tend to make mistakes. As you know, it is from them that a person learns. Having done something wrong once, you need to take into account all the shortcomings the next time. This also applies to cooking. Many people automatically make mistakes every day that affect the taste of the dishes they prepare. Knowing about the most common culinary mistakes can help you avoid repeating them in the future.


How a frying pan can ruin the taste of meat

Almost all people cook meat in a frying pan. It's fast and convenient. But if cooked incorrectly, you can ruin the dish:

  1. Oil. It is necessary to fry in a preheated frying pan. Many people start the process in cold oil with the confidence that the dish will cook faster. However, this only spoils the food - they stick to the surface of the pan and burn. This makes the cooking process more labor-intensive or can lead to food spoilage. Therefore, it is necessary to preheat the oil. To check that it is hot enough, you can add a few drops of cold water to the pan. If it begins to hiss and evaporate, then the oil has reached the optimal temperature.
  2. Covering the pan. Everyone loves meat with a crispy, crispy crust.You cannot get it if you use a non-stick frying pan. This is explained by the fact that such kitchen utensils do not heat up well. Therefore, it is more suitable for making pancakes or omelettes.
  3. A large number of products. Some people put too many ingredients in the pan at once. In this case, the pieces will touch each other. And instead of a fried dish, it will turn out to be a stew.
  4. Frequent turning over. This is one of the most common mistakes made when frying in a pan. To get a beautiful crust, the meat should be turned only once during the entire cooking time.Meat in a frying pan.

Attention! To get an even crispy crust, you should use a cast iron skillet or grill pan!

The refrigerator is not always the best place to store

It is not for nothing that the refrigerator compartment is divided into several zones. Each of them has its own temperature regime. Some foods cannot be stored in the refrigerator:

  • onion garlic;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • many exotic fruits;
  • pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini.Open refrigerator.

Why you shouldn't measure flour with a regular glass

Fans of home baking know how important it is to maintain the correct proportions, so they measure the required amount with a glass. At the same time, many people forget that different volumes of dry and liquid ingredients are placed in it. To avoid spoiling the dish, you must use a special measuring cup.

Blender - the “enemy” of mashed potatoes

Some housewives, in pursuit of speed and convenience when preparing purees, use a blender. But the finished dish becomes sticky. To obtain a tasty, airy puree, you should use a regular masher.Puree.

Knife is different from knife

It’s not for nothing that kitchen knives have different shapes, because each of them has its own purpose.To cut meat, use a boning knife; for bread and other baked goods, use a serrated knife.

What's the best thing not to do to make your food delicious?

Here's what you shouldn't do when cooking:

  1. Replace ingredients. If an ingredient is not on hand, some try to replace it. This can only be done if their taste and consistency are identical.
  2. Don't read the entire recipe. If you are using a recipe for the first time, you need to study it completely, prepare all the necessary ingredients and only then start cooking.
  3. Digest eggs. Some housewives, seeing the gray yolk of a boiled egg, complain about the quality of the products. But eggs are not always to blame. The reason for the gray color may be that it has been overcooked. A properly cooked egg has a bright yellow yolk. The optimal cooking time is 10 minutes.
  4. Do not let the meat rest. After cooking, the meat should rest for at least 10 minutes. This is necessary so that all the juices are distributed evenly throughout it. Otherwise, the finished dish will be dry.

To become a good cook, you do not need to attend special courses. You just need to follow certain rules and try to avoid culinary mistakes. Then the cooking process will be enjoyable, and the quality of the dishes will satisfy even the most demanding gourmet.

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