Why don't people build brick houses in America?

Do Americans really not use brick to build houses? Or is this a myth? Surprisingly, but true - as shown in numerous action films, walls are built from easily broken cardboard and plywood. What is the reason?

Why don't people build brick houses in America?

Climatic features

It is often mentioned that the continent is generally warm. But in the northern regions of America it is quite cold, but still, even there we will not find a permanent house made of stone. It turns out that it's not a matter of climate!

Why don't people build brick houses in America?

Frequent tornadoes

On the one hand, stone houses are stronger and more stable, but frame buildings have significant advantages:

  1. Collapsed wooden structures are easier to dismantle than to remove a pile of cement and broken bricks.
  2. A piece of concrete falling on a person leaves virtually no chance of survival.
  3. The construction time will allow you to quickly rebuild and move to a new home.

Why don't people build brick houses in America?

Due to frequent catastrophes, it is customary for Americans to insure their property. In this way they compensate for the costs.

In case of a natural disaster, almost every house has a basement - a residential basement where you can wait out the storm.

Love for freedom

Why don't people build brick houses in America?

Americans are initially characterized by a thirst for travel, a change of environment and moving from place to place. It’s in the genes; it’s not for nothing that they are descendants of desperate settlers! It is considered absolutely normal to move from state to state for study and work.

Leaving an inexpensive house is much easier than leaving a huge castle!

One house can be replaced by several owners, each of whom will remake it for themselves. Frame structures are easy to operate and remodel. It is much easier and cheaper to adjust wooden partitions than to move main walls.

Economic reasons

Here we come to the most important reason!

Why don't people build brick houses in America?

  1. It is quite difficult to obtain permission from the state for brick construction.
  2. The problem is with production, it is too expensive and unprofitable, the plant requires a large number of permits and insurance.
  3. It is possible to build a brick house, but it will be very expensive. Only very wealthy people can afford such a luxury.

We all know the hallmark of the American dream - owning a home. Massive demand and affordable mortgages push us to search for simple and affordable methods of construction.

A trick with decor

Why don't people build brick houses in America?

You can see houses that look like brick, but in fact they are cladding. The walls are made of cheap shingles and thin planks. The main goal of an American is profit. It is important for them to build a budget option and sell it as luxury housing.

Construction in America has historically been corrupt, so commissioning regulations were written in such a cunning way that it was possible to deliver homes in almost any condition! This is how expensive palaces with plywood walls arose.

The entrepreneurial spirit of American residents has long been known throughout the world, so when buying a home in the USA, you should take a very careful look at the walls!

Typical American house

Classic is a cottage with a basement and a garage for 2-3 cars. The garage has an entrance through the living areas.Most often, the basement is actively used; it increases the living space, because the technical rooms are located in the basement.

Due to the basement, a building with two floors will be cheaper than a one-story building.

Why don't people build brick houses in America?

Layout features:

  • the master bedroom always has a separate toilet;
  • be sure to build a porch;
  • the kitchen is combined with the living room;
  • For clothes, a built-in wardrobe is used, more like a small room.

The practical nature of American citizens is noticeable in every detail; they count their money and do not allow it to be spent on things that, in their opinion, are unnecessary. Overseas, stone buildings are not popular, as they are more expensive and more difficult to resell and operate.

Even luxury housing is built using frame technology; the cost increases due to an increase in area, location of the site and internal design.

Residents of the United States are very mobile, do not strive to settle in one place, and they have no prejudices about their own strength and heat capacity of brick! Economy, practicality and speed of construction are at the forefront.

Comments and feedback:

There must be a porch, but we don’t, this is a distinctive feature of Russian houses,
Sometimes they write such heresy, it’s funny


I lived for 14 years in Canada (the same States in the sense of these “boxes or palaces”) in rented rooms. Such crap here cannot be described in censored words... The only thing cheaper than this “American Dream” is a tent...


They dream of settling down, but they go where there is work. And they live like this to pay for the house.On vacation, generally only for 5 days - to renovate the house..


My wife's relatives have a house in Toronto, and a raccoon fell from the ceiling right into the kitchen sink, where I neighed! (We were visiting them at that time)


Corrupt construction, you shouldn’t be talking about corruption hahaha


Yes, yes, exactly!


You don’t have to be Schwarzenegger to walk right through the walls of such a house, the main thing is not to get caught in the cat...


Everywhere is good, where we are not!


It sucks, apparently, they think! And during cold winters, which are also not uncommon among them, how much do they pay for heating in the end? Then, their huts, like those of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf, will be scattered with termites, then eaten by termites, or eaten by a bark beetle or some other wood borer. And I’m sure that insurance will not cover every case, if at all in this case, because insurance companies aren’t idiots either. And even if insurance is required, paying for it is probably not cheap. Miser pays twice!


Sadness. It's good that I don't live there...


You don’t live in Russia either, but you exist. People living in Russia do not know that life can be enjoyed.


Ahaha, write on behalf of bots with American names. Dill, you are already completely nuts.

smart ass

These houses are 2 times warmer than 510 mm brick masonry, their operation is cheaper, in terms of strength: they can withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake, minus poor wind load, a tornado destroys them, but the low cost of their construction compensates for this


I agree about the cheapness. But cheap for builders. For buyers, this house will not be cheap.


The ground floor is not always technical.
There is often a full-fledged apartment with a kitchen and bathroom located there.
It is either used for relatives or rented out.
I have lived in such basement apartments many times.


Artem is ready to build from miracle panels, warmer than half-meter bricks, and a 9.0 earthquake in America, no words, thank you to the insurance companies of America


Yes, their construction companies are crooks! They build from shit, and they cost a lot of money. They showed me how and what they build houses from. And I gave them an example that our Cossack women from Kuban build such towers for that kind of money, it’s nice to look at and they’re durable for centuries. Not like their Nyuf-Nyuf houses. And where did you see their basements? I personally have never observed it. The tornado passes and only concrete nickels remain. The houses there don't even have foundations. And I myself am a builder by first education, and I’ll tell you that for our climate these are not houses, but birdhouses. The foundation must be laid below the freezing depth of the soil. It is clear that they have no trace of such a concept. Yes. The layout is comfortable and functional! No doubt about it. But nails don't hold in cardboard. So they come up with all sorts of devices to hang something on the walls. The house has an air conditioner with climate control. Comfortable. But for some reason they have a lot of asthmatics? Isn’t it because of this “convenience”? Because maintenance and prevention of climate control devices are quite expensive.


The house I built will serve my DESCENDANTS. In America they think ONLY ABOUT THEMSELVES.
Americans are SELFISH.
By the way, in Russia, most of the houses were made of WOOD, and even now houses made of logs or timber are NOT RARE.

Makarov Oleg

If we talk about mobility, then we should mention mobile homes, carriages, beams.
They are used in both countries, but somewhat differently.


We also have enough small firms in Russia where non-construction workers work. Low both cost and quality. A house for permanent residence will always cost normal money, even with a relatively small square footage. I saw normal options for a frame house for permanent residence at Terem. It’s better, of course, not to save money and immediately build a large country house to feel comfortable.


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers