Why do Turkish women have such a clean house: healthy habits of Turkish women

Cleanliness in Turkish is a cross between art and paranoid disorder. Which, in principle, is not bad. Of course, many Russian women will say that their home is also always in order, because they devote a lot of time to cleaning things up.

However, things are different for Turkish women. In their houses you will never see dust, the windows will be so clean that it seems as if they are not there at all, and general cleaning is more like a hobby than a painful undertaking. Turkish women truly treat cleaning their home with special love; they can be safely called clean people and excellent housewives - a Turkish woman’s home is always ready for the arrival of guests. But what secrets do Turkish women know?

Life of Turkish women


If I think about it, the last time I washed my windows was in the fall. However, like all Russian women, we do this only at a specific time: in the fall - before the onset of cold weather, in the spring - when the weather outside is consistently warm. No, in no case can we say that this positions us as dirty people who don’t care about cleanliness. It’s just how we were brought up to conduct life—our grandmothers and mothers did the same.

Turkish women wash their windows every ten days. And at the same time they wash the curtains. This approach, of course, has a very beneficial effect: more light passes through clean glass, and washed window decor will not cause allergies, since all dust and microbes will safely die in the soapy abyss of the washing powder.



The toilet or bathroom is cleaned daily. Turkish women are very careful about the cleanliness of the toilet, sink, as well as faucets and shower heads. By the way, those droplets from the water on the tap, to which we practically do not attach any importance, are almost a shame for Turkish women.


Lamps and chandeliers

Lighting devices also do not go unnoticed. Once a month, a Turkish woman will definitely take the time to wash all the chandeliers and lamps from dust and dirt.

Agree, we hardly do this so often, but there will be no harm from it - again, the cleanliness of the chandeliers is a guarantee that none of the relatives will breathe the dust that accumulates on the lampshades.


A balcony in Turkey is a particularly important place, since the climate is conducive to sitting comfortably there and drinking tea with famous Turkish sweets. Therefore, you are unlikely to see a cluttered balcony in this country - Turkish women constantly clean it and do not clutter it with boxes or unnecessary things, as is often done in our country.



Once a month the kitchen is kept in complete order. But this is not just washing the countertop or cleaning the stove - this is a whole event in which all the contents of the cabinets are unloaded, shelves, front doors, tiles, oven are washed, dishes are wiped and everything else.

By the way, to prevent bugs from getting into cereals, Turkish women put laurel leaves in jars - this repels insects.


Once a month, all carpets are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or soap solution, although there are a lot of them in Turkish houses, but this does not deter local women.In fact, this habit is quite useful - carpets often contain germs, bacteria, dust mites and other disgraces that can directly affect the health of those living in the house.

Carpets in Turkey are sold almost everywhere. A large selection can be found in Istanbul at the famous Grand Istanbul and Egyptian Bazaars, as well as in carpet shops in Antalya and other resort regions of the country.

Carpets in Turkey

Of course, one might think that Turkish women are not neat, but a bit fanatical in terms of putting things in order. However, they never treat cleaning as a chore or a burden. For them, a clean home is more of a pleasure and pride than something “just needed.” Perhaps it was these rules of living that led to the fact that Turkish women deservedly received the title of excellent housewives.

Comments and feedback:

If in Russia women stayed at home like Turkish women, they would also have time to wash curtains, wash windows, etc. every week.


I wonder if they still go to work? When I have a couple of free days, I also don’t mind going through the apartment thoroughly with a rag. But after work, when you also need to cook dinner, and pop into the store, and, being young, also learn lessons with the children... Sorry, sometimes I don’t care about the windows. My priority has always been the education of my children, and later my grandchildren.


So, are all Turkish women housewives, or what?

What difference does it make to you

And I’ve been cleaning my apartment this way all my life, my children were small - it was still perfectly clean. My mother taught me to do this, my sons are also neat. The Chinese also said that it is better to die clean than to live in dirt!


about the Chinese: there are two types of Chinese: dirty and clean (I’m talking about everyday life). I've been working with them for 10 years. this is said about the pure.


Our housewives put it on the balcony because they have no other place. In Turkey, on the ground floor under the stairs you can store strollers and bicycles. In the attic, there are storage rooms attached to each apartment. I lived in such a house myself.


And Freud said that the desire for purity is a sign of a woman’s sexual dissatisfaction! In Turkey there are traditional families (for the most part), and in Russia there is an exploitative type of family: a woman must work like a horse both at work and at home!


Every Friday I wipe dust from absolutely everything, from furniture, windows, lamps, the insides of cabinets, pipes, radiators. It takes two hours. And on Saturday I wash the floors, reaching every corner. My husband vacuums the carpets. So the house is always clean, even though I’m not Turkish.


The woman takes care of the house, and the men work and earn money. Here is the answer.

nothing personal

How many times have you been to Turkey? There were many guides who lived for several years in Turkey. So everyone unanimously says that Turks prefer to marry non-Turkish women, since they are completely “lightened”: they smoke, drink, and practically do not look after their children. And even less so, they don’t clean the house.


I leave for work at eight in the morning and come back at seven in the evening!!! There is no time to litter, so I have everything like Turkish women)))


Yes, I’d rather do something interesting or chat with relatives and friends one more time than wash windows, wash curtains or clean plumbing every day. Everything is fine within reasonable limits.


In Rus' they say: “The cat has nothing to do, he licks eggs.” So do Turkish women, what else should they do while sitting at home. But I would like to know how they wash the chandeliers so often, take them out themselves, or without removing them...


I think they don’t lick their house, but invite a cleaning company. women love to hang out on the phone with numerous relatives, TV series again...


We had a neighbor who every day in the kitchen washed pots, cleaned frying pans, took off her shoes on the street so that not a speck of dust was brought into the house, did not allow her little daughter to touch the beautiful dresses of the dolls, constantly cleaned the apartment, and let her daughter go outside - she barely she didn’t crash, fell into a hole, another time she almost got hit by a car, but her mother didn’t care because she was doing cleanliness: washing, washing, tidying up, and as a result the girl spoke poorly, studied poorly and only knew how to clean well, tidy up, and do laundry.


Everything is good in moderation! And cleaning, cleaning and washing so carefully and every time can only be done by those who do not work, but sit at home and have nothing else to do. Is it possible to talk to them about anything, if they have time to read something, go to museums, art galleries, learn something, except for washing and cleaning.


My mother said that any fool can learn to wash, clean, and cook in three days.And a smart girl should first of all receive an education, receive a decent upbringing in the field of art culture, have professional growth and independence, these are more significant things than vacuuming, washing and cleaning every day. And if an educated woman can have a decent salary, she can pay those stupid people who have not received an education - so they will wash, clean, wash and shake rugs.


Cleanliness is the first thing a girl should learn from her mother.


Two husbands left me from such a neat friend... And one of them complained that it was very difficult to keep up in everyday life... you couldn’t chop anything up anywhere, you couldn’t put anything out of line anywhere. You eat, and they stand over you to quickly wash and clean everything...


If Turkish women worked like Russian women, and then, after work, did household chores, it is unlikely that they would have time to wash windows and wash curtains once every 10 days. Well, as for the kitchen, cleaning the stove, bathroom and cleaning the carpets with a vacuum cleaner, I, for example, do this no less often than Turkish women, and most Russian women do this, despite the fact that they work. So we weren't surprised!!


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers