Why don't the Dutch hang curtains on their windows?

Somehow it happened historically that looking into other people’s windows is not entirely decent. By the way, in Russia it is often not possible to do this, since we hang curtains. But in the Netherlands they don’t hide anything and, it seems, they’re not even embarrassed, because in their houses you rarely see not only curtains, but even light curtains. Why do the Dutch ignore window decor and is there any sacred meaning?

Spoiler - there is no magic here.

Why were the curtains removed from the windows?

Why were the curtains removed from the windows?

It all started a long time ago - in the 16th century, when the Netherlands languished under the yoke of Spain. The dictator's regime was so harsh and cruel that the authorities feared overthrow, unrest and some kind of secret conspiracies. That is why a very ridiculous decree was issued - none of the residents of the country have the right to cover their windows with anything.

After the revolution, when truth and the people won, the taboo on the use of window decoration was lifted, but uncurtained windows had already become so ingrained in the life of the Dutch that no one even remembered curtains. So this idea lives on to this day - “we are honest people and we have nothing to hide!”

Why were the curtains removed from the windows?

Now “naked” windows in Holland are considered not only a symbol of honesty, but also some kind of boasting. And this feature appeared among local residents after the Second World War, when “life became better, life became more fun.” Today, the population of the Netherlands with undisguised pride wants to demonstrate their homes, interiors, the latest technology, exquisite and rare plants.

Why were the curtains removed from the windows?

It’s interesting that creative people even went further: they change a minor detail in the house every day so that passersby look into the windows and follow their lives. In almost every apartment you can see delightful decorative items, beautiful lighting fixtures, luxurious upholstered furniture and other interior elements.

Why were the curtains removed from the windows?

It’s clear that in Russia open windows bring more discomfort than joy that someone is watching your life. But the Netherlands is a different country, with its own special mentality and characteristics that have developed and strengthened over many centuries.

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