Why are electricity meters called “smart”?

A neighbor installed a smart meter. And I was sure that there was no need to rush into this. But now that they have once again announced an increase in tariffs, I’m thinking about it. Maybe it was not in vain that my friends updated their metering devices? I decided to find out if they were exaggerating when they called the device “smart”. It turns out that it was not in vain.

Why are electricity meters called smart?

What a smart meter can do

Reference. The term “smart meter” can only be applied to those systems that have an automated process for collecting and analyzing the received data.

Regular electronic devices without this option cannot be classified in this category. However, it is now possible to improve a conventional electronic device by making it “smart.”

what smart meters can do

Modern meters of the new generation, like their predecessors, are designed to read electricity consumption. But, unlike conventional systems, they have a special display and computer ports in their device. Another feature of the equipment is ability to work in two or more modes at once. Thanks to this, the devices have learned to perform several useful functions:

  • System collects information about consumed kilowatt-hours for a specific utility consumer.
  • If problems are detected in the network, as well as in the event of a blackout for the residents of the house, the system will automatically sends information about problems to a single center.
  • In addition, the device sends a request to call an electrician.
  • Device controls the implementation of energy saving measures.
  • Counter can interact with other smart home systems. This makes it possible to control all processes from one control panel.
  • The device has violator detection function.

Reference. If unauthorized consumers connect to the network, the system automatically signals this.

This function is possible thanks to the use of an hourly control system for electricity consumption.

  • If residents evade paying the meter can automatically disconnect consumers from the network.

Is a smart meter useful for residents?

benefits of smart meters

Most people, accustomed to using old appliances, are distrustful of innovation. However, the presented system is designed specifically to improve the quality of life. Several thousand people have already been able to appreciate the advantages of such systems and noted the simplicity and ease of use.

Of course, the benefits of such a device cannot be ignored.

  • Thanks to this equipment, all data on electricity consumption is collected automatically.
  • The home owner can choose a suitable tariff plan to save electricity.
  • The equipment displays all the data on the consumed kilowatt-hours on the electronic console, which allows you to track the indicators every hour. Modern devices have a high degree of accuracy; in this indicator they are not inferior to old induction devices.

Pros and cons of devices

advantages and disadvantages

To make the characteristics of the device more accurate and objective, we will mark it from different sides.


  • Now you don’t have to constantly monitor the indicators, trying to send them on time.Everything will be done automatically.
  • In case of problems, there is no need to look for an emergency telephone number. After all, the meter has a protection system and constant notification of problems. And the device will also call the technicians itself.
  • The meter will not only take into account how much electricity is spent in a particular apartment - it will allow you to save on payments. The fact is that different tariff plans are provided for different times of the day. This can be taken into account when using household appliances.

Reference. The service life of the device is 32 years.


The presented devices also have one significant drawback. It lies in the fact that the system can be hacked in order to distort the readings of electricity consumption. In addition, they can find out accurate information about the number of electrical appliances and the features of their operation for a particular resident of the house.

Comments and feedback:

And the most important thing is that the energy sales companies themselves will act as these hackers! What’s stopping you from remotely giving you a couple of tens of kilowatts or changing some parameter and the device itself will provide you with them within a month?! No one will ever know about this, and even if they do find out that it is practically unprovable!!! so if you make smart metering devices, then only for remote transmission of readings and nothing more!


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