Caution: 10 items in your home that can cause allergies

Sometimes completely harmless things in the house can create a serious threat to our health. Well, who would think that cute soft toys or stylish window decor sometimes cause the most complex allergic reactions in our body. I'll tell you about 10 items that can cause not only a skin rash, but even choking. If you suffer from allergies and there is at least one thing on this list that causes suspicion, then it’s time to get rid of it.


Any literature is food for the brain (within reason, of course). However, it is also food for various pests. Perhaps everyone knows that even small home libraries collect a lot of dust, in which mites and even mold happily settle. Allergic manifestations in this case are a natural reaction of the body.

No one is saying to get rid of your treasured book collections, but wrapping them in covers and dusting both them and the shelves as often as possible is a must.



Carpets and rugs laid out in rooms may well play a cruel joke on your health, even if you don’t suspect anything.Not only indoor fleas settle in the deep fibers of such textiles, but also the above-mentioned mites and other pathogens - they also accumulate a huge amount of dust, which the vacuum cleaner may not be able to cope with.

To solve this problem as much as possible, it is recommended to use devices with a HEPA filter and ventilate the premises as often as possible.


Indoor flowers

Yes, these harmless pets can also cause allergies. Moreover, sometimes the allergen is not only the plant itself, but also pollen during its flowering or mold that forms on too wet soil in a pot. It turns out that the list of allergenic flowers is quite wide. And if your home has at least one of them, then you should think about moving it. These include:

  • evergreen ivy;
  • azalea;
  • gloriza;
  • aglaonema;
  • plumeria;
  • lily;
  • the entire Kutrov family;
  • some from the aroid family: monstera, dieffenbachia, calladium, alocasia, callas;
  • akalifa, poinsettia, jatropha, croton.

Of course, it’s a shame to part with those plants on which you spent your personal time to grow beautiful and spectacular home decorations. But here you need to decide what is more important - health or the one who poses a threat to it.

Indoor flowers

Air conditioner

In addition to the fact that during its operation the risk of catching a cold increases, the device is also considered especially dangerous for allergy sufferers. The filters that are located inside the gadget tend to accumulate huge amounts of dust and various microbes and viruses, which are very pathogenic. By constantly inhaling dirt, the body reacts sharply to such an attack. The freon contained in the device can also become especially dangerous.When it comes into contact with an open flame, it turns into a chemical compound that can cause suffocation - phosgene.

To avoid such disastrous consequences, it is recommended to clean the air conditioner and regularly change filters. Optimally - once every three months.

Air conditioner

Stuffed Toys

Harmless children's bears and rabbits accumulate huge amounts of dust and become home to dust mites. To protect yourself, your child and other family members, soft toys should be washed or dry cleaned frequently.

Stuffed Toys

Curtains and curtains

Window decor, especially made from artificial materials, simply attracts dirt and dust, so it is better to choose canvases made from natural fabrics - linen, cotton, silk.

If you don’t plan to buy new curtains or drapes in the near future, then you should at least wash the old ones as often as possible.


Household chemicals

An allergic reaction to household chemicals occurs due to the fact that the immune system reacts to those chemicals from which most cleaning products, clothing care products, auto care products, disinfectants, insect repellent aerosols and much more that we use every day and that are created to make our life easier and more convenient. The most dangerous components in bottles are:

  • chlorine;
  • waste oil products;
  • various fragrances;
  • formaldehyde;
  • salts of phosphoric acids and enzymes;
  • hydrogen nitric;
  • nitrobenzene.

To avoid serious consequences, first of all you need to use proven quality products. And it’s even better to purchase products exclusively based on natural ingredients. Fortunately, there are a lot of them now. Otherwise, when cleaning, it is recommended to wear a mask and gloves.And when washing, install an enhanced rinse to rinse out as many harmful components as possible.

Household chemicals

Mattress and bed linen

As for this point, everything here works by analogy with curtains and carpets.

Since we spend quite a lot of time in bed, the linen should be made from natural materials, and it is better to choose an expensive and high-quality mattress with hypoallergenic filling. Yes, it is quite expensive, but we usually buy a mattress not for a year or even two. It’s better to overpay once than to spend even more money on treatment later.

If you are allergic, it is recommended to wash your bed linen at least once a week.

Bed sheets

Ventilation grates

This is usually the item we least suspect of causing an allergy. And completely in vain! A lot of pathogenic bacteria and microbes settle on its surface, often hidden from our eyes. In addition, mold loves it very much. It is for this reason that do not forget to remove it at least occasionally and carry out not only cleaning, but also disinfection.


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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers