Non-standard uses of vinegar in everyday life

Regular table vinegar can do miracles. Many people probably know that it can be used to remove scale, eliminate unpleasant fishy smells from work surfaces, or soften water used for rinsing hair. But its valuable properties do not end there.

Vinegar, sponge, spray bottle

Air freshener

The fact that vinegar successfully copes with the smell of fish is already a serious indicator. But what about the unpleasant odor in the toilet, the smell of dampness in the pantry or the corrosive aroma of tobacco smoke? You can also get rid of all these “charms” without much difficulty. It is enough just to mix equal parts of water and table (3-9%) vinegar.

It is recommended to pour the resulting product into a spray bottle. In this case, the solution is sprayed into the air or applied to surfaces, followed by removing excess with a sponge or microfiber cloth. But you can do without an “intermediary” by moistening the rags used during cleaning in this mixture. And in the toilet and living room, you can simply leave a sponge soaked in vinegar - it will evaporate, neutralizing unpleasant odors.

When cleaning a refrigerator, the mixture is also very effective - simply wiping the shelves with this product can get rid of even quite persistent odors. But if you heat this solution in the oven or microwave for 5 minutes, then not only will the smell disappear, but the fat will no longer resist removal with a simple sponge.

Vinegar has an antiseptic effect, destroying many types of microorganisms and mold.

By the way, if you treat furniture with a solution, you can not only refresh it, but also ward off pets. Cats are especially sensitive to this product - after this they lose interest even in those corners that were chosen as scratching posts.

It also helps if there is an embarrassment with your pet: after cleaning up the consequences of the “accident”, this place needs to be wiped with vinegar. After such a simple treatment, neither stains nor smell will give away the “crime scene”.

Vinegar, spray bottle and sponges

Cleaning agent

In this case, you will need either pure table vinegar or vinegar essence (dilute part of the essence in three parts of water). With this tool you can:

  • remove rust from small objects by boiling them in a solution and rinsing them in running water;
  • get rid of scale in the kettle;
  • prevent scale from appearing in the washing machine by adding the mixture to the conditioner compartment;
  • remove blockages in pipes by pouring vinegar into it, and after 20 minutes adding boiling water;
  • Clean the watering can, faucet or heated towel rail from plaque by wrapping them in a rag soaked in the essence solution for 20 minutes and then wiping them.

And using during cleaning not water with household chemicals, but a mixture of table vinegar and water (in a ratio of 1 to 1), you can not only achieve the absence of streaks on plastic, chrome, glass or tiles, but also get a slight antistatic effect.

To remove a sticker or label, you can place a sponge soaked in vinegar on it. After just 5 minutes, the sticker can be removed without effort.

Cleaning products and vinegar

Useful household lifehacks

If you treat the most serious stains with vinegar 10 minutes before putting them in the washing machine, then you won’t have to worry about the limited capabilities of the washing powder. Well, adding it to the rinsing compartment helps not only prevent the appearance of scale, but also ensures the preservation of the colors of your clothes.

To keep the bouquet fresh for as long as possible, you should simply add 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar into a vase, and then fill it with water to the desired level. Flowers will fade much slower this way.

By bringing this miracle product to a boil, and then dipping brushes with dried paint into it, you can easily get rid of the latter. And if you boil it in a frying pan or pan that you haven’t been able to wash before, you can get rid of dirt without unnecessary effort.

Motorists must have had to deal with ice on their windshield. To avoid having to solve such a time-consuming and painstaking task, you can simply wipe the triplex with a cloth dipped in a mixture of three parts vinegar and part water.

Ants also do not like this substance and are confused at the sight of it, since it interrupts the fragrant traces left by insects. It is enough just to wipe those places where unwanted guests were noticed, and they will definitely not appear there in the near future.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

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