DIY medical mask

Well, it's started again! My nose is running, my throat is sore, my temperature is rising. Why can’t I survive a single winter without getting ARVI? It would be impossible to infect children: the eldest is a schoolboy, the youngest is not yet five. And at home, as luck would have it, not a single medical mask. And in pharmacies, I heard, everything was sold out. What if you build it yourself? Need to think…

How to make a disposable mask in a minute

Eureka! The house has everything you need. I only need three things:

  • paper towels;
  • two elastic bands (those used to tighten banknotes, but preferably not too large);
  • stationery stapler (preferably with staples No. 24).


Manufacturing process step by step

I carefully tear off one sheet of paper from the roll and fold it like an accordion.


I put elastic on the ends of the strips.


I fold one edge (no more than a centimeter) and fasten it with a stapler so that the elastic moves freely inside.


I do the same with the second end.


I unfold the paper mask.


I put it on myself. Gorgeous!


The result suits me. Now you can sneeze calmly - everything will remain inside. I can replace it at any time. For this it is enough:

  • cut off the ends of the used mask;
  • release the elastic bands from the paper “captivity” and attach them to another accordion-folded towel.

If there are a lot of rubber bands, you can make several masks at once. The most important thing is that you don’t have to run anywhere, look for anything or overpay to anyone. I am happy, my husband, children and dog are too.There’s just a little bit left: to overcome the damned virus, but I’ll somehow cope with that.

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