Sticky roller: 6 options for unusual uses in everyday life

As a rule, a roller with a sticky surface is often used to clean clothes from hair, fine dust, wool and other debris. A similar product can be purchased in almost every household chemical store, and this thing really copes with its function with a bang. However, cleaning things is not the only task that a sticky roller performs. There are several other ways to use it that may surprise you.

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Bag or pockets

All sorts of small rubbish always accumulates in our bags and pockets, which we either forget to shake out or just live with it. Moreover, these are not only checks and hairpins, but also hair, crumbs and other not so pleasant things. This is where a sticky roller comes to the rescue. Moreover, it is suitable not only for women’s accessories, but also for men’s briefcases and suitcases.

To clean the inside of any bag, you need to completely empty it of its contents and carefully walk over the lining with a roller.


Anti-dandruff clothing

If you are tormented by seborrhea, which leaves visible white flakes on things, then here too he comes to the rescue. This is a quick and easy way to get your clothes neat and clean in no time. If possible, you can carry the roller with you so that you can clean your clothes every time the need arises.


Small fragments

It is clear that you cannot collect large glass with it, but if you break a glass or other glassware, then small “splinters” may remain on the floor, which are sometimes not even noticeable. To protect yourself and your loved ones, after basic cleaning, go over the floor with a sticky roller, preferably several times, tearing off the layer being used. Then you can additionally vacuum it to be sure that the floor covering is safe.


Spruce needles

Although the New Year holidays have long passed, be sure to remember this life hack for next year. Or perhaps you still haven't thrown out the tree? A sticky roller can easily deal with loose needles that remain completely inappropriate, and removing them is often not so easy, especially if they have spilled onto a long-pile carpet.



Speaker membranes are very susceptible to external influences, so cleaning them with a vacuum cleaner is simply scary, and you can’t wipe them with a damp cloth at all. And again the Velcro roller comes to the rescue. However, if you are again afraid of reaching inside the speakers with plastic, you can tear off a piece of the sticky layer and blot the parts of the device with it.


After creative activities

Small threads, lint, sequins, glitter, pins and even needles, scraps of paper - all this can be quickly removed from the floor without taking out a vacuum cleaner, using the same sticky clothes roller.


But this is not a complete list of unexpected and effective uses of Velcro in everyday life. With its help, you can easily clean curtains, lampshades, the fabric of a billiard table, soft toys, and textured suspended ceilings from dust and lint. It’s also great for picking up insects from the floor if you find them too unpleasant to pick up by hand.


What ways to use a sticky roller do you know? Share your life hacks with us in the comments.

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