Cheap homemade air fresheners (part 1)

Do you know that even the cheapest air freshener costs more than its natural counterpart, made by yourself? Don't believe me? Well, let's look at one interesting alternative to cloying chemical scents.

Advantages of essential oil

Essential oil

A bottle of such an odorous liquid (10 ml) is comparable in cost to a can of cheap air freshener. At the same time, the “child” of the chemical industry lasts a maximum of a month, during which the user enjoys an unnatural aroma and an impressive bouquet of substances that mercilessly destroy our respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

A bottle of essential oil can last for several months because:

  • it takes from 5 to 15 drops of aromatic substance to prepare one homemade freshener;
  • at room temperature, 1 ml of oil is approximately 22 drops;
  • The natural flavor lasts for an average of a week.

And this is without any chemicals that have a detrimental effect on our body. Why not experiment? So, get acquainted with simple recipes for cheap homemade flavorings.

Dry air freshener

Dry air freshener

To create it, you only need soda, essential oil and a glass jar with a lid, in which several holes should be made. Preparing the product is also simple: pour soda into a jar, add 10-12 drops of odorous liquid and screw on the lid. Now all that remains is to send the flavor to any convenient place.

“Refilling” such a freshener is also simple: shake the contents to loosen it, open the jar and add a few drops of the previously used oil.



We take a spray bottle with a volume of about 200 ml, fill it with boiled or distilled water, add 10 drops of essential oil and... And that’s it, the product is ready. It’s just important to remember to shake it before each use. If the aroma does not seem intense enough, just add a few more drops of fragrant liquid.

In cases where a disinfectant effect is also needed, a mixture of three parts water, part alcohol and 10–15 drops of aromatic liquid can be poured into the spray bottle.



Quite a popular form of air freshener, captivating with its unusual appearance. But to make it you only need a glass or ceramic jar, bamboo sticks (can be replaced with ordinary twigs peeled from the bark), any refined vegetable oil and a few drops of essential oil.

The process of making a diffuser is also impressive in its simplicity: the oil is sent into a jar, where it is mixed with one of the sticks, and then the container is filled with the rest of the branches. The intensity of the aroma is adjusted by adding essential oil.


Freshener gels

To prepare the gel freshener you will need 30 g of gelatin, a glass of water, 1 tsp. glycerin and up to 15 drops of essential oil. Preparation:

  • pour gelatin with water, stir;
  • heat the resulting mixture until dissolved;
  • add the remaining ingredients, mix;
  • pour into jars and cool.

Note: Do not place this fragrance near heat sources or in the kitchen - it will melt and begin to smell stronger than necessary.

Current options for the toilet

Essential oil and toilet paper

The easiest way to freshen the air in this room is a few drops of your favorite essential oil, applied to a cardboard roll of toilet paper (or to the end of a roll). During use, it will come into contact with the holder, which intensifies the aroma, and the rest of the time the smell will be moderate.

If you need a fragrance for the toilet, then a mixture of salt, soda, vinegar (25 grams each), a pack of gelatin, a glass of water and a few drops of essential oil can easily cope with this task. To make a freshener from this, you should:

  • dissolve gelatin in water;
  • in a separate bowl, combine a small amount of water, soda, vinegar, salt and oil;
  • pour the resulting mixture into the dissolved gelatin;
  • pour into small molds and chill in the freezer.

When the jelly has hardened, it is removed from the molds, cut into convenient pieces and sent back to the freezer, having previously wrapped each one in cling film. Well, one of the resulting cubes is sent to the toilet cistern, after which, every time the water is flushed, a homemade flavor will refresh the air and remove bacteria and dirt.

In order not to look into the tank every time to check the condition of the freshener, you can add a few drops of food coloring when making the mixture. This little trick will allow you to navigate by the color of the water.

Well, if it is more convenient to use a spray, then a formula of 200 ml of water, 100 ml of vinegar and 5-10 drops of any essential oil will help to cope with unpleasant odors. The main thing is to remember to shake the contents of the sprayer before each use.

In addition, there are many other fairly simple means at hand that will help you quickly cope with unpleasant odors. You can read about this directly right here.

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