What things protect us?

Has this ever happened to you: you pass by some item in a store, and it just begs to be picked up? Or maybe one fine morning you suddenly feel that something is missing... Such “symptoms” indicate the need for a talisman to appear in your life.

Amulet things that bring positivity into the house

Favorite things that are pleasant to the heart contain great positive power. They help in everyday life, protect against diseases and any other evil, improve relationships and simply create a great mood.

amulet rye 2

Healing herbs or ears of rye

It has long been believed that many plants can not only cure illness, but also cleanse the surrounding space.

amulet rye

By placing even artificial stalks of rye, wheat, or oats in a vase, you guarantee yourself protection from unnecessary negative emotions.

In addition, they bring prosperity, comfort and tranquility to the house. And for a restful sleep, it is recommended to place a sprig of wormwood next to the bed - it drives away bad images.

wormwood amulet

Painted household items

Folk art is simply a storehouse of positive energy! It is not without reason that the patterns and ornaments familiar to everyone from childhood (Gzhel, Palekh, Khokhloma, etc.) have been favored by needlewomen for many years. Just by looking at them they lift your spirits and tone you up!

amulet Gzhel

It is known that this beauty hides a lot of special signs and symbols that have magical properties, like runes. So, if you want your home to always be comfortable and its inhabitants’ health to be healthy, take care of a couple of beautiful painted things.

Khokhloma amulet

Bear figurine

A symbol that came from the ancient Slavs. People have always believed that the bear is the guardian of the forest, and the forest was their home. Therefore, in order for the bear’s power to benefit the house and household members, a small figurine of a bear was placed in a prominent place (as a rule, it is depicted standing on its hind legs). Thus, the “owner of the forest” seems to protect the home from evil and takes care of the well-being of all the people living in it.

amulet bear

Advice! It is recommended to leave the bear in different rooms from time to time so that he can inspect all the possessions.

Ficus, Crassula and other flowers

Flowers in pots always create coziness around them. But some of them are literally created for this function.

Ficus is the best plant for purifying the air; it can calm you down after a busy day and provide a pleasant rest. Relieves excessive nervousness and stressful conditions.

amulet ficus

Crassula (money tree, as people say) attracts luck, luck and, judging by its name, wealth.

amulet Crassula

Spathiphyllum and anthurium are known as women's and men's happiness. These plants bring harmony and love to the family.

amulet 2

It must always be remembered that flowers will actively share the necessary energy if they are well cared for and cared for with love. Their condition will directly affect your life.

Cushions with bright decor

Any craftswoman can boast of a hand-made pillow. Such a thing always carries a piece of the soul invested during its creation.

pillow charm

The area of ​​its influence directly depends on the image:

  • all kinds of ornaments are designed to protect owners from dangers;
  • images in warm colors help to live in harmony and love;
  • cold shades are aimed at developing intuition and saving from failures;
  • landscapes and flowers contribute to success in all matters.

Therefore, such a decorative element meets not only aesthetic aspirations.

Matryoshka dolls

The figures themselves, exactly repeating each other and standing in a row, are an excellent means of cleansing from evil. Matryoshka dolls are the most common talisman for the home.

A wooden figurine of the sage Fukuruma, with three more toys hidden inside, was brought to Savva Mamontov’s family from Japan. Then Sergei Malyutin came up with a Russian version of such a doll - Matryoshka.

In 1900, Russian nesting dolls in Paris received a gold medal at an international exhibition, different countries began to order them, and so mass production of these souvenirs began.

In addition, if you need to protect yourself from loss of wealth and health, you buy an even number of figurines, and to save yourself from everything bad (evil eyes, quarrels, etc.) - an odd number.

nesting dolls 2

The first nesting dolls in 1895 depicted a large family.

Honey, garlic and apples

The most peaceful and symbolic products. Honey attracts wealth and happiness, and also serves as a favorite treat for brownies. Even in fairy tales, apples are shown as a source of youth and beauty. Thanks to these fruits, the joy of youth and the cloudlessness of summer will come to your home. Garlic is known for its antiviral properties, which indicates its ability to improve health. And the Slavs considered it protection from evil spells.

amulet honey


Luck, as you know, is always on the horse. Therefore, in order for her to visit you, you need to hang a horseshoe next to the door.The main thing is not to try to make such a talisman yourself. In this case, it is important to find a real metal horseshoe.

horseshoe amulet

Interestingly, rust only improves its properties, so there is no need to remove rust from a found horseshoe.


The subtle sound of the bell protects the room from evil spirits. Products made of silver and iron are especially effective. Even a small tool helps to attract good luck and scare away everything bad.

amulet bell

Candles burning in the house

A candle is a symbol of wisdom, giving light. Fire, in turn, ensures the safety of the hearth. Together they will bring harmony, tranquility and comfort into the house.

candle amulet

The main thing to worry about when purchasing the right amulet is how you feel around them. The desired item must be pleasant and not cause negative emotions.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers