What things can be cleaned with vinegar and what not?

Cleaning with vinegar is one of the most well-known chemical-free cleaning methods. Almost everyone recommends it. However, not every thing should be doused with this caustic substance. Today I will tell you what can be cleaned with vinegar and what absolutely cannot be cleaned.

First the good stuff

I’ll start with a list of items that will survive this folk remedy relatively calmly.


Everyone knows that absolute cleanliness of glass cannot be achieved without it. And you only need a little: add half a tablespoon of any kind of vinegar per liter of water. Then pour this solution into a spray bottle and wash the windows as usual. The mixture doesn’t even have to be washed off. Only a faint odor may remain, but it will disappear completely within a day. Nothing threatens the surface itself.

Cleaning with Vinegar


You can also clean carpets with vinegar. Moreover, you will need no more than one spoon. It should be mixed in a separate bowl with a small amount of liquid soap and 500 ml of warm water. Wet the sponge well, then apply the solution to the stain and rub. Repeat the steps until the dirt disappears completely.

Vinegar can also help against odors from pet excrement. The mixture needs to be prepared the same, but without soap. Then apply it to the stain left by the pet and wait a few minutes. After this, wipe dry using plain water and paper towels.If it doesn't work the first time, you'll have to repeat it.

Cleaning carpet with vinegar

However, there is an important rule: do not make the solutions too caustic and do not leave them on the fabric for a long time. Otherwise the colors may fade.

Remove glue and paint

Everyone is familiar with the situation when it is almost impossible to properly tear off the label from a dish. And here vinegar will also come to the rescue. A couple of drops on a piece of paper, a minute of waiting - you can safely erase the annoying sticker.

Vinegar also works well to remove paint from surfaces. To do this, you need to heat it up and then apply it to the stain. As soon as it begins to swell or soften, you should quickly scrape it off. The best way to do this is to use a razor blade.

Cleaning paint with vinegar

Wash the dishwasher or washing machine

Vinegar is also great for removing scale. To clean, you need to pour two glasses of vinegar into a deep plate and place it in the dishwasher on the top rack. Or simply pour the liquid into the washer drum. Then all that remains is to enable the normal operation cycle on any device.

Cleaning the washing machine with vinegar

And now about the bad

However, a caustic substance can cause quite a lot of damage to some materials.

Stains on clothes

No matter what anyone says, stubborn stains from grass, ink, blood or wine cannot be washed off with vinegar. It is much better to use a regular stain remover. In addition, the folk remedy can even cause harm. If you overdo it, the fabric will “burn out,” which will only make things worse.

Cleaning clothes with vinegar


If scale appears on the “sole”, then it cannot be cleaned with vinegar using the dishwasher method. Many housewives try to pour a substance into the water hole to clean the holes that release steam. But this only harms the iron. To prevent them from clogging, it is better to immediately pour out the water remaining inside immediately after ironing.You should clean the iron only according to the instructions included with it.

Cleaning the iron with vinegar


No matter how many websites are full of life hacks about how vinegar will wash away any dirt, you can’t wash the floor with it. Especially if it is covered with stone tiles or parquet. At best, the materials will suffer a little: streaks or slight roughness will appear. And in the worst case, the finishing coating will peel off from the floor and caustic stains will appear. Stone tiles can react with acid and become cracked.

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Washing machines

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