How to easily keep your hallway clean in winter
Winter paintings and photos always stand out as particularly clean and fresh. Why is everything wrong in the hallways when winter comes? On the contrary, more dirt is always added!
No, the reason is, of course, clear. Wet soil, sand, which is sprinkled on the streets to prevent slipping - all this gets into the apartment on the soles. But this does not mean that a woman’s main occupation should be constantly cleaning the hallway. A few simple rules will help you quickly restore order and maintain it longer.
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How to bring less sand into your apartment
Every step in shoes that have been on the winter street adds dirt to the hallway. And if several people enter the apartment at the same time, and even with children, animals, strollers, etc. Therefore, you will have to solve several problems.
First shoe shine outdoors
First, we will try to bring as little sand into the apartment as possible. Even if you are in a hurry to get home, teach yourself not to rush before entering the entrance. And teach your children to do this. Shake off your shoes and don't neglect rugs or cleaning grids., if they are available at your entrance.
Second cleaning in front of the front door
No matter how you feel about door mats, you can’t do without them in the slush. After all, it will also help free your shoes from sand. That's why do not step over this rug, but carefully clean your shoes.
Important! For a rug in front of the door, a product made of fairly rigid materials with a rubberized base is better suited.
How to reduce the “dirty” area in the hallway
Even if you try very hard to clean winter boots or boots, it will not be possible to completely remove the dirt before entering the apartment. You will have to enter the house with dirty feet. This means that you should not trample too much in such shoes.
We try take off your shoes immediately, leaving your shoes at the front door. A place should already be prepared for her here. Usually another mat is used for this. It will no longer be used for cleaning shoes. Therefore, the hardness of the coating is not the main parameter when choosing it.
Important! The size of the rug depends on the number of residents.
If people usually enter the apartment one at a time, you can get by with a small product. When several people can come into the house at once, it is advisable to find a larger rug so that several pairs of shoes can fit on it.
Along with rugs You can use special pallets for shoes.
Craftsmen make them from corks or pebbles. You can also build a pallet by gluing broken tiles to its base.
You can also buy a ready-made pallet by choosing the appropriate size.
Let's take care of the animals
If you were walking with your beloved pet, it is important to prepare in advance for its return from a walk. Here everything will depend on how the dog is equipped, because it will have to be undressed and taken off immediately. Otherwise, we will talk about cleanliness not only in the hallway. The entire house will need to be washed.
Therefore, we immediately take off the overalls and shoes. What if she wasn't there? Then wash or dry them thoroughly with a damp cloth. Don't forget to prepare it before going out.
Washing is the final stage of cleaning the hallway
It would be a mistake to teach a family to carefully leave dirty shoes in a certain place, and then forget about them and remember only before the next time they leave the apartment.
Tested by many women: as soon as you put off finishing the cleaning, the entire household, along with cats and dogs, will start “diving” into the hallway. At this very moment, everyone will have something to do there: take something forgotten in their pocket or, conversely, put what they need in a bag or backpack.
If the floors are not wiped or vacuumed, then dirt particles will continue to move around the apartment. So let's spend a few more minutes cleaning.
Important! To make it easier to maintain order, it is important to organize places for storing clothes, shoes and other things in advance.
Optimal procedure
- We check the clothes, clean them if necessary and hang them to dry.
- Then use a damp cloth to go over things that may be an additional source of contamination.
- We wipe down backpacks and bags that your teenager could easily have dropped on the floor of a subway car or on the school porch.
- We wipe down strollers, trolley bags, canes, etc.
- We wash and dry shoes.
- We wipe the floors in the hallway. Some women prefer to let them dry first, then vacuum and only then wash the floor. If you have such a desire and opportunity, great! If not, just wipe down the floors thoroughly. Are you sure there is no sand or other contaminants left on them? Amazing!
It takes little time to maintain order in the hallway. And it's not difficult to get used to it. A cozy hallway, where your apartment begins, will provide a good mood to all members of your family.