How to forget about daily laundry: a competent scheme

Doing endless laundry can be a tedious task. The problem is especially acute in families with small children. In this case, the process never ends. You have to load the machine every day and take time off from other things. And constantly hanging laundry to dry greatly infringes on the free space and limits the movements of the apartment’s inhabitants. To improve the washing process, we offer a competent system. By using it, you forget about the constant running around with dirty laundry and endless drying of wet diapers.

Grueling laundry

System for handling dirty laundry

Basic The principle is one day of washing. You will have to choose the day of the week on which you spend the maximum amount of time at home. It is necessary to completely empty the basket with dirty laundry.

The remaining days are used for sorting and ironing, as well as rest.

The first day

Absolutely it doesn't have to be Monday. Although many are accustomed to starting new habits on this day of the week. But if you spend more time at home on Sunday or Wednesday, start then.

Sort and arrange into several groups items that require washing. This way you will immediately know how many programs you will have to download that day. Use one powder for all things, including children's items.

This rule does not apply only if the child has allergies.Then you will have to purchase a special eco-friendly gel.

It makes sense to separate colored items from white ones only if there is a risk of spoiling the color or texture of the fabric. Children's things are usually colored - there is no point in separating them by shades.

Straightening things after washing

Be sure to wash adult and children's clothes separately, especially if the child is still small. The degree of contamination varies and different modes are used more often in the machine. This habit is good if there are several children in the house. The housewife can easily and quickly sort the washed items, putting them in the children's lockers.

After washing, remove everything from the machine drum and straighten it out. This procedure will allow see poorly washed items. If necessary, they can be restarted with another batch of laundry. In some cases, straightened laundry does not need to be ironed.

If your clothes are left in the machine after the wash is completed and an unpleasant odor appears, there is a way out. Moisten a handkerchief with a few drops of essential oil and place it in the drum. Set the extra rinse mode and start the process.

Unpleasant smell from washing machine

Second day

Start sorting. All things have dried up - it's time to sort them by belonging. Go through everything down to the last sock and put it in groups:

  • bed sheets;
  • towels;
  • husband's things;
  • wife's clothes;
  • baby supplies.

Place socks and underwear in separate piles, also dividing them according to their intended purpose. Having completed this task, stack each group of clothes on top of each other in a deep basin or on a small stand. As of today, the work is completed.

If you iron your laundry, you can start the process on the second day to get it done faster the next day.

Sorting clothes after washing

Day three

Here you will have to do ironing and hanging washed items in closets. It’s much more convenient when you iron clothes in groups: you don’t have to sort them before putting them in closets.

To reduce your work time, place all ironed shirts on the sofa. Take several hangers at once and thread them into the neck of the garment. Then take them together and take them to the closet. You don't have to carry a coat hanger every time.

Good advice - involve children in work. Fold their T-shirts and pants in advance and then show them where it should go. Next time they will be happy to join in the layout process and will help you significantly. In addition, the habit creates an awareness of order in the growing baby, and he will know where to get clean pants.

Placing clean clothes in the closet

Ironing is not always necessary, especially if you straightened the clothes before drying. Sometimes there are many interesting ways to spend time usefully. And perfection is not so necessary.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

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