How to survive with a man in a one-room apartment

At first, he just comes to visit and your home lights up with joy from his presence. Of course, you are immensely happy with him - so much so that you don’t want to leave him. You hug, watch a movie, chew chips, and even falling asleep next to him is much more pleasant. And at that very moment, when sleep is already completely covering you, you think: “How great! This is how it would always be!” And thoughts, as we know, are material, so very soon your best man will move in with you. With all your things.

The content of the article


“Ummm, here are T-shirts, trousers, shorts, underwear, sportswear, all my shoes, and I’ll go get the rest tomorrow,” he says on the threshold, dragging three huge suitcases and a couple of bags...

And while you come to your senses and realize that he has more things than you, he then drags along his gadgets, books, an electric grill that is so important to him, dumbbells, two umbrellas, a subwoofer, a collection of beer mugs and, of course, a bicycle (where without him!).

“We received luggage from you: a sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase, a painting, a basket, a cardboard box and a small dog.”

And now your cozy nest, which could never boast of dimensions, turns into a warehouse of things - men's things. Your most beloved and dearest person...


Then a more complex period begins, which consists of several stages:

  • “Where should I put my razor, toothbrush, shower gel, aftershave lotion, shampoo?”;
  • “Where should I put my bike? Maybe we can remove this huge flower and go there too?”
  • “Your screen takes up a lot of space.I’ll probably put my own rack for tools instead.”
  • “Close the window already, it’s freezing cold. Why can’t you breathe?”

And this is just the beginning... The beginning of a long journey of a happy life together. Then it will be “that you shaved with my razor - it’s dull”, “you don’t have to take my comb - your hair will remain”, “turn off the TV, I want to take a nap”, “friends will drop by my place in the evening, move the pans in the refrigerator - cool the beer” .


Yes, this is everyday life that destroys many relationships. Especially if people are accustomed to living independently for a long time, and then another person invades their space, even the most beloved and desired one - but it unsettles them, makes them think, “maybe all this is in vain?”

What to do?

It is impossible to live without quarrels. In rare couples, the burden of responsibility and everyday life is endured steadfastly and without freaking out. It is clear that a small space does not provide privacy or tranquility, because it is even difficult to remain silent when there is no way to go to another room to just rest! When we feel cramped both physically and psychologically, we become aggressive, angry, and irritated. And after a couple of months you think that they seemed to have lived well when they were separated!


Of course, there is a solution to the problem. But before you understand what exactly you need, it is advisable to understand yourself.

Family (and living together as one of the main components) is not only about movies, sex, hugs and other tenderness. It is also understanding, compromise, the desire to overcome difficulties and, most importantly, the ability to adapt in the good sense of the word. If a woman decides to “live together in sorrow, in joy, and even in a one-room apartment,” then she must understand what follows.Yes, there will be many difficulties, but they need to be overcome if you have made such an important decision as living together.


So, is it possible to simplify life? How to get along in a tiny apartment with a bunch of things - both his and yours? How not to be annoyed by his personal items that are scattered throughout all the rooms? And how can I explain to him that socks should be folded in one place and not thrown all over the floor?

The trick about socks is a stereotype. Most men respect not only their belongings, but also the woman’s work. It is mainly used as a metaphor, talking about the carelessness of guys, when they can easily throw a T-shirt over the back of a chair, simply fold their jeans on a chair (instead of hanging them on a hanger), not iron their clothes (“it will smooth out on the body”) and other purely men's troubles.

First of all, decide for yourself whether it is important for you to be happy or if you want to quickly get rid of his ship model, which takes up almost the entire table. From here you dance. Many couples go through a cool psychological game. Its essence is as follows:

  • everyone makes a list of habits that irritate him most in his partner;
  • then notes are exchanged;
  • Now you look at each other nervously;
  • and now you draw conclusions and make concrete decisions.

They say it helps a lot. And so that no one is offended, the same list also lists the advantages of living together. By the way, this is also how you can understand whether you are really ready for life in a small territory, whether you are able to give in to your partner on something, accept his habits, or at least somehow come to terms with them.

Doing something useful together helps smooth out everyday rough edges: cleaning the house, preparing lunch or dinner, going shopping together.


There are, of course, universal solutions:

  • Be sure to allocate a shelf for him in the bathroom - it will only be his personal one, no items of yours should be there and never, even when it is empty!
  • if he likes to assemble models, solder, burn, weave fishing gear, etc., he should have a workspace, even on your table;
  • To prevent his personal hygiene items from being scattered all over the bathroom, give him an organizer - both you and he will feel comfortable;
  • if you are annoyed by T-shirts and pants on the chair, it’s time to buy a floor hanger, and over time he will get used to the fact that things need to be hung on it (you’ll have to be patient a little);
  • the mug that he always leaves on the table can be washed yourself - no infringement of rights, just concern;
  • remember that any person needs personal space, so if he wants to be alone, don’t quarrel, but go to a friend’s house, go to your mom’s, to the store (although this should work in the opposite order for you).

Here are some simple tips on how to get along in a one-room apartment with a man and not go crazy. The main idea is mutual understanding and acceptance of habits that have been formed for many years before you. Remember that he also probably doesn’t like your panties on the line in the bathroom, sanitary pads in a visible place, those trinkets on open shelves, a bunch of shampoos and an even larger mountain of cosmetics. But if he is silent and doesn’t say a word about it, then there is only one conclusion - they love you and have long come to terms with your quirks. Now you.

Comments and feedback:

Wow. I have everything the same as in this article. But my husband believes that when he starts cleaning the apartment, I should join in too. But when I clean, he doesn’t notice. And a subbuffer and weights, a bicycle, a computer. Brought it. Doesn't use anything, but takes up space.


I passed the jackpot, when the male was cleaning up because everything is wrong here, only then he found only his clothes or said that he didn’t touch it, didn’t see it - well, if you were pinned in a corner, then “you didn’t need that anyway, I threw it away." In my house. Now I don't have this problem at home.


The only question is: why does he drag HIS junk into MY apartment? Also, doesn’t he like that my panties are hanging on a line? In my apartment? If you converge, then only on his territory, there’s no need to feed primaks.


That is, a man comes to MY territory and starts downloading his license. Like he doesn't like my panties and trinkets. It’s okay that this is MY apartment, and at least I was the first to live here. Send such people through the forest, and not wash the mugs after them.


You don’t have to survive in a one-room apartment with a man 😂you should send people like that away, who have nowhere to go to live except with a woman, instead of resolving the issue of comfortable living for the two of you)))


Likewise madam...


Tested by the experience of my friends and my own - you can’t move in with “someone”, you should always create something together! This is a very important “brick” of the family; the concept of OUR home arises.


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers