How they fix plumbing in China with food

We have all heard about the incredible hard work and inexhaustible imagination of Chinese craftsmen. One of them is catching the hype on life hacks for repairing plumbing fixtures and furniture using... food! Xiubandrng (this is the craftsman’s nickname) posts amazing videos of mending banal things using the most unusual means at hand.

How they fix plumbing in China with food

Most popular video

The young master gained popularity with his amazing way of fixing a broken sink. The video shows how dry local Doshirak is poured in place of the hole, and either superglue or epoxy resin is poured on top. It’s funny, but for some reason Xiubandrng sprinkles the noodles with spices - I can assume that it’s for the beauty of the frame and to increase interest. It turns out that “Doshirak” becomes a molding material that holds the glue. After the mass has hardened, the blogger cleans off all protruding parts and polishes the surface. Finally, white paint is sprayed on, leaving the sink perfectly clean and smooth.

How they fix plumbing in China with food

You cannot watch his channel directly in the Russian Federation. But thanks to the World Wide Web, where snippets of videos with non-standard uses of food are leaked.

After watching, many questions remain for Xiubandrng:

  • How long will it last?
  • Will it stand the hot water test?
  • Why add spices?

The Chinese does not stop at the achieved result and continues to amaze the public, gaining millions of views.

His patience is worth envying

In one of the videos, the blogger closes a large hole in the table.It takes several packs of instant noodles, lots and lots of glue, effort and attention. But in the end - the perfect table! “Doshirak” also helped to “cure” a chip on the plate, leaving behind new dishes.

The entries are in Chinese, but this is exactly the case when translation is not required.

In addition to noodles, cookies are also used! Xiubandrng used it to repair a chip in the countertop: sprinkled it with crumbs, poured the mixture, polished it and painted it. Now no one will say that there was a chip there!

How they fix plumbing in China with food

Not just food

The Chinese master is fond of repairing, not translating products, so his list of materials includes inedible things. In one video, he shows how he removes a hole in a tree using ordinary tobacco chips. I even envied his painstakingness and perseverance!

Other ideas include eggshells, laundry detergent, waffles and rice. Xiubandrng does not shy away from ordinary building materials: he managed to quickly and easily fix the hole in the door with the help of a banal wooden stick.

Believe it or not?

A lively discussion began on the forums and in the comments. Many users seriously assume that the hole in the sink is filled with real building material, and the use of Doshirak is a normal installation. But the master surprises us again and again with new details of the repair; he has worked on tables, doors, plumbing fixtures, dishes and even a car bumper! Xiubandrng offers unique recipes that give things a second life.

How they fix plumbing in China with food

The channel demonstrates repair techniques using ordinary tools.

The opinions of Internet users are divided, but in essence, the life hack is very viable. Food acts as a material to fill voids.Separately, it is worth noting the amazing work ethic; only a passionate person would so painstakingly select materials, adjust sizes and colors. It will be interesting to see if anyone dares to repeat the trick? And what will happen in the end?

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