How to make sofa upholstery bright again without store-bought products

Sofa with bright upholstery.When buying upholstered furniture, it is worth remembering that over time the upholstery loses its original brightness and becomes duller. Also, not a single product is immune from the appearance of various stains on it. Therefore, any furniture requires careful, proper and constant care. The best option is professional care. But this service is quite expensive, so it is not in great demand.

You can clean stains or restore the original brightness of furniture upholstery yourself. In this case, you do not need to purchase special cleaning products.

How to refresh the color of a sofa upholstery without store-bought products

Before you start cleaning the upholstery, the furniture needs to be prepared. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner or a brush with coarse bristles to remove all small debris and dust.Pre-cleaning of upholstered furniture.

You also need to check the reaction of the material to the substance used. You need to apply it to a small area of ​​furniture and look at the change in color and texture. If nothing happens, then the product is suitable for use.

The method of caring for upholstery depends on the material from which it is made.

Fabric upholstery

There are several ways to restore the original brightness of fabric upholstery.The choice of the most suitable one depends on how much the fabric has faded.


This option is a rather delicate way to restore brightness to the upholstery. The procedure looks like this:

  1. First you need to prepare a solution. To do this you need to take vinegar and water. One part vinegar requires four parts water.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in the resulting solution.
  3. Use a damp cloth to thoroughly wipe the entire surface of the upholstery.


For one glass of water you need to take one teaspoon of soda. The soda must be stirred until completely dissolved. Then soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the upholstery.

The following method is no less popular. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • grated soap - 25 g;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • hot water - 1 liter.

First you need to completely dissolve the soap in hot water, leave the soap solution until it cools completely. Then add glycerin into it. The resulting composition should be applied using a sponge, after beating it until foam appears. After application, you need to quickly rub the surface, while avoiding excessive wetting of the fabric.

Velvet upholstery

This is a very delicate material that needs to be cleaned with care and precision. Otherwise, the product will be damaged.

To restore the brightness of velvet you will need vinegar, water and salt:

  • 2 tablespoons of salt and vinegar should be dissolved in warm water;
  • dampen a cotton cloth, wring it lightly and wipe the upholstery thoroughly;
  • Next, you need to carefully knock out the furniture - this must be done until dirt appears on the fabric;
  • the cloth must be rinsed in the solution, placed on the upholstery and knocked out again;
  • The procedure should be repeated until no more traces of dirt appear on the cloth.


Usually, to care for leather furniture, it is enough to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth. But if there is a need for more thorough care, then you should use glycerin soap.Leather furniture care.

The soap must be applied to a damp cloth and thoroughly treated the entire surface. Then you need to rinse the cloth and wipe the upholstery again to remove any remaining solution.

Attention! Leather furniture cannot be cleaned with regular detergents!

To return furniture to its original brightness, you can use a steam generator or steamer. To do this, treat the entire surface with hot steam for several minutes.Cleaning upholstered furniture using a steamer.

What not to do with sofa upholstery

If you need to restore the former brightness of upholstered furniture, you should remember that you cannot use all methods at once. A large number of different substances will only harm the upholstery. You should also not do the following:

  1. Moisten furniture. Excessive moisture will lead to the formation of fungus and mold.
  2. Apply undiluted substances. When using chemical reagents, the material can be damaged.
  3. Dry with a hairdryer. Accelerating drying may result in streaking.

General recommendations for caring for upholstered furniture

Proper and regular care significantly increases the life of upholstered furniture. By following simple recommendations, you can significantly reduce the cost of caring for upholstered furniture:

  1. Clean where there is no litter. You shouldn't eat on the couch. This will get rid of debris and various stains.
  2. Removing dust. Vacuum or beat furniture regularly.Otherwise, if even a small amount of moisture appears, the accumulated dust will turn into a stain of dirt.Regular cleaning of furniture.
  3. Timely removal of stains. Old stains have already ruined more than one piece of furniture. This is because removing them requires strong cleaning agents. The use of such substances may result in the formation of bald spots or holes. Therefore, it is extremely important to remove stains that appear in a timely manner.

It’s quite easy to restore the former brightness of upholstered furniture. Cleaning does not require much time and does not take much effort. The main thing is to care for your sofa or chair correctly and regularly. This will increase the service life of the product.

If none of the methods help, then you need to turn to professionals.

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