How to separate garbage collection in an apartment

You don’t want to drink dirty water, breathe poisonous air, or eat poisoned food? Naturally not! We all want to live in a clean world. And at heart, each of us is an active fighter for the environment. But in reality, most often everything is limited only to words. We even started talking about separate waste collection later than other countries.

How to separate garbage collection in an apartment

Garbage is serious!

Do you think that garbage is a small thing compared to industrial emissions? But these little things create huge landfills! In recent years, they have become a serious danger to nature and humans.


Reference! An unpleasant odor spreads around the landfills. And rotting products pollute groundwater. They then end up in water bodies used to irrigate crops.

Is it possible to be sure that water for everyday human needs is not taken from these reservoirs? In addition, the territory of the test site is inhabited by a huge number of rodents and birds, which are carriers of epidemics. The larger the landfill, the greater the danger!

Important! Recycling waste is a real opportunity to create safe living conditions for people.

It turns out that each of us is capable of helping nature and ourselves! For this you will have to throw away only what cannot be recycled. Everything else is sorting.

Getting used to sorting garbage

Separate waste collection has long been practiced in European countries and the USA. This approach to waste provides a significant economic effect. Recycled waste is used to produce new goods. This means that for their sake there is no need to “take away” nature’s wealth.

waste sorting

Besides, garbage is real money! Have you gained 30 kg from reading newspapers and magazines? Get 300 rubles for them! (The amount per 1 kg should be checked with your operators). Relevant? Yes! It turns out that Separate waste collection is an important requirement of the time not only for the state, but also for the individual.

Where to begin

All great things begin with the first step! In the case of garbage - from one type of waste.

For example, a family drinks bottled mineral water every day. Empty bottles, of course, take up a lot of space. Do not throw them away with other waste, We will collect plastic separately!

where to begin

If the management company did not take care and did not place a separate container for plastic at the container site, then it makes sense to flatten empty containers before sending them for temporary storage. Temporary storage is the period before removal to the collection site.

How to sort

Sorting is done by separating waste made from the same material.

how to sort

For recycling

  • plastic;
  • paper;
  • glass;
  • metal, etc.

Take a closer look at household waste paper! Remember that this type of recyclable material is readily accepted not only by specialized points, but also by various small entrepreneurs.

Advice! Motivate yourself with the noble truism that “one ton of waste paper saves 25 mature trees from being cut down.”

For special disposal

collecting batteries

The most problems arise with those items that require special disposal:

  • batteries;
  • aerosol cans;
  • lamps containing mercury.

They should not be placed in the general trash bin! But it is already possible to find collection points for batteries or lamps.

Attention! Aerosol cans should not be crushed, as is the case with beverage cans. Even an empty can can explode and cause harm to health.

So, we have clarified the sorting principle. But how to carry it out in practice?

How to collect different types of garbage in an apartment

The main problem we face when sorting is related to the temporary storage of accumulated waste.

What to collect

Exactly how many containers will be needed? Not much, actually. Most often you will need to separate waste paper, glass, plastic, and metal. And, of course, food waste and special disposal items indicated by us. But that doesn’t mean you need to buy a few more trash cans!

collection boxes

  • Instead of buckets they will do boxes and old cardboard packaging.
  • Good way out - purchase a trash container with two or even four compartments. There are plenty of offers from sellers, all that remains is to choose the appropriate size.

container with dividers

  • And if your bucket is large enough, you can insert several bags into it at once, preferably in different colors. And put a certain type of waste in each.

bucket with several bags

Where to store before throwing away

An important question is where to store all this, because with every piece of paper that will be sent to waste paper, you won’t run to the trash can!

  • Here is one of the life hacks: allocate the bottom drawer of the kitchen unit for separate collection. Put inside plastic containers or dividers.

trash box

  • Eat balcony or storage room — there will also be a storage corner there.
  • Even if there is no unoccupied secluded space in the apartment, organizing temporary storage is not difficult. They will come to the rescue beautiful boxes or baskets. They can even be placed on an open shelf, and no one will even guess about the contents. Two or three identical decorative boxes are an elegant and stylish interior solution to the “garbage issue.”

And finally. According to studies of “stubborn” statistics, in states that are developing the practice of separate collection, the population quickly stops buying goods in elegant bulk packaging.

Important! Refusal from bulk packaging not only reduces the amount of household waste, but also saves the family budget.

It's no secret that you have to overpay for external beauty! Surely there are analogues in cheaper containers on store shelves. This means that the cost of purchasing an additional waste bucket will pay off with interest and quite quickly.

Let's make our lives cleaner together!

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