How to turn cleaning into a fun activity rather than a chore

The life of adults is usually boring and monotonous. The daily work-home schedule turns into an unbearable routine for most of us. Does not add bright colors to monotonous everyday life and cleaning the apartment. But I know how to turn this boring duty into... pleasure. Don't believe me? Then read and repeat!

Cleaning is great!

What adult doesn't want to misbehave? Especially if it brings visible benefits? Today I’ll tell you about five ways to “fall back into childhood” by tidying up your household things.

How to get rid of scale on a kettle

Pour Sprite into it and leave for an hour. Suddenly? Just try it! After the kettle has been soaking for an hour with lemonade, wash it as usual.

This method is perfect for both ordinary and electric kettles and coffee makers.

scale in the kettle

To prevent the glass from fogging up in the bathroom

For a long time, my husband couldn’t figure out where his shaving foam was going. Why does a new bottle last a maximum of a week? The version about the modern brownie shaving in the morning was first debunked by the daughter, whom her father caught at the “crime scene.” It turned out that she adds foam to the slimes that she makes to order for her friends and classmates.

And then I got caught myself.But I use foam for purely practical purposes - I use it to wash... the bathroom mirror. This way it doesn’t fog up while swimming and always remains pristinely clean.

foggy glass in the bathroom

How to remove slime marks

I am sure that this is a problem for all parents who have small children. This stretchy, shapeless “miracle” delights the little ones, but causes a lot of problems when cleaning the apartment. To easily clean it from the surface of furniture or carpet, just pour boiling water over it. After a “hot shower”, the remaining slime can be easily wiped off with a hard sponge or even rolled into pellets.

In the same way, slime traces can be easily removed from clothes.

slime on clothes

How to remove lipstick stains from clothes

Emergency advice for men: if you urgently need to remove lipstick stains, for example from a shirt, just spray hairspray on the “kiss”. After 10 minutes, rub the area with a clean cloth and machine wash with regular powder. Lipstick disappears without a trace!

traces of lipstick on clothes

And the whole house hated the cat...

Even those who love animals very much are terribly annoyed by the tailed animals’ habit of “marking their territory.” To get rid of the unpleasant smell, and at the same time to wean the animal from doing nasty things, you need to spray the “defiled” place with... vodka. The smell of alcohol will quickly disappear along with the cat's, and the pet, believe me, will no longer come to this place. And in general, to doubt the expediency of your bad habit.

cat smell

And together we are a gang!

There is another win-win way to kill two birds with one stone: tidy up the apartment and, finally, spend time with the children. “Set” these same children, those working on Energizer batteries, into the garbage and dust. The whole secret is not to give an ultimatum like: “If you don’t clean up your room, you won’t go for a walk!”In this case, the child (no matter how old he is) will do everything “anyhow.” The main thing is to let him believe in his indispensability: “I can’t cope without you!” You are my only hope!” And, of course, offer to play together.

cleaning with children

Yesterday, for example, my six-year-old son, my eight-year-old daughter and I played pirates. The apartment was our ship, which urgently needed to be cleaned before going in search of treasures. Cunning idea, isn't it?

In the end, “treasures” were also found - tickets to the circus under the sofa, when they were wiping the floor under it, and a box of Choco Pie on the kitchen cabinets, visited for the same purpose.

The result is an absolutely clean apartment and a great mood for the whole family!

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers