How to open a tin can without a knife and opener - 5 best ways

Canned foods are indispensable not only at home, but also in other situations. They can come in handy while hiking, picking berries, hunting or in the country. Moreover, it often happens that there are no special tools for opening cans. In this case, there is no need to worry, because there are many ways to solve this problem.

How to open a tin can without a knife and opener - 5 best ways

Pocket knife

The packaging is made from a thin sheet of tin that can be easily cut with a regular knife. In this case, you will need very little effort, and the contents of the jar will remain intact. To do this you should:

  1. Place the jar on a flat surface and place the tip of the knife over the inner rim of the lid.
  2. It is necessary to hold the knife strictly in a vertical position and in no case at an angle. To avoid injury, you should hold the handle firmly.
  3. Next, lightly tap the handle of the device with the fist of your free hand. This will allow the tip of the knife to pass through the metal. Hit should not be too powerfulso that the tool does not jump out of your hands.
  4. Then you need to move the tip a few centimeters along the edge and make another hole. So you need to go along the entire border of the lid.
  5. Next, the tip of the knife is passed through one of the recesses and the lid is carefully bent upward.

How to open a tin can without a knife and opener - 5 best ways

Since the edges of the metal are sharp, when bending the cover It is better to protect your hands with a towel.

Bare hands

How to open a tin can without a knife and opener - 5 best ways

There are times when there are no objects nearby at all. In this situation, you have to rely only on your own hands. The method will only work for a strong and physically fit person:

  1. Hold the jar between your palms. In this case, it should be located horizontally. Make a dent in the center of the side with your fingers. Then you need to press again on the resulting depression so that the metal bends inward even more.
  2. The same steps must be repeated on the other side.
  3. Now you should take both bottoms with your palms and make uniform rotational movements towards each other. The deflection area should crack. The jar can be divided into two halves.

The bare-hand method is suitable if there is not a large amount of brine or oil inside the jar.


How to open a tin can without a knife and opener - 5 best ways

This method is suitable for those who are afraid of knives. This will require a strong metal spoon, great physical effort and time. The cutlery should be placed in exactly the same way as in the already discussed method with a pocket knife. Next, they begin to rub the lid forward with it until the tin is worn out. After some time, a hole forms in the material. Then the spoon can be used as a knife, opening the jar around the entire perimeter.

You should be careful, as with this method of opening the edges of the can are very sharp and dangerous.

With a chef's knife

How to open a tin can without a knife and opener - 5 best ways

For effective work, a knife with a massive blade is suitable. It weighs much more than regular steak cutting tools. The technology for opening a can using this device is as follows:

  1. Place the container on a table or find another stable surface. For safety reasons, you should not squeeze it between your knees.
  2. Hold the knife handle firmly in your hand. Make sure your fingers are away from the tip and on the sides of the handle.
  3. Place the heel (the widest part of the blade) above the inner rim of the can near the side. Firmly secure the heel to the lid so that the knife does not slip during the piercing process.
  4. Sometimes you can't make a hole the first time. You can stand up, lean on the can, and then press down on it with all your weight.
  5. You should not hit the container. This method is considered slow but effective.
  6. It is highly undesirable to use the sharp end of a knife for work. You can not only bend the blade, but also get hurt.
  7. Move the knife along the edge a few centimeters and make similar holes. The lid is almost open.
  8. Insert the tip of a knife into one of the slots and point the lid upward.

Sandpaper or stone

You can also use asphalt or a concrete block with a rough texture. A polished object will not create the necessary friction to pierce the lid.

How to open a tin can without a knife and opener - 5 best ways

The jar is placed on the paper upside down and rubbed with pressure for 30 seconds. The edge of the jar should wear off. The readiness of the product for opening is indicated by the appearance of stripes on the edges. You can also wait for the liquid to appear. The prepared container opens with a simple press of the hand. The lid just flies off. You can find a cobblestone or stick that is convenient to pierce the lid inside the product. This option is effective, but not the best, as metal particles and dirt get into the food.

If microchips or sawdust get in, it is important to remove all debris. Canned food should be opened in sufficient light.

It is difficult to imagine the dynamic life of a modern person without canned food. They allow you to store food for a long time without special conditions. You don't need a bottle opener to open a jar. We hope that the proposed methods and ingenuity will help you not to get confused at the right moment.

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