How to unscrew a self-tapping screw with a torn cross

Quarreled with a self-tapping screwdriver
And he climbed tightly into the canvas.
Yes, he sat there with his long leg,
That the song ended with a dead cross.

Well, when the time came to make peace,
Suddenly it turned out that he could not grasp
A faithful friend for the hats of the edge.
And it’s necessary - the guy is in an inconvenient place.

Self-tapping screw with a torn cross

He settled down where he disturbs everyone.
Doesn't think he's setting him up
An old screwdriver in the eyes of friends
(After all, no one
He won’t be friends with her).

But our woman is cunning
I didn't panic.
In return, she quietly
An express council was convened.

Her pliers first
They came to the rescue
And immediately with advice
Helped a little:

"If the hat doesn't fit
Into the canvas along the edge,
I'll lock my lips.
I’ll turn it upside down!”

Unscrewing the self-tapping screw with pliers

After that to the council
Suddenly the rubber band turned on
(Which has always been
Like invisible):

"If he sat down deeply,
I'll come between you.
You will rest and easily
You’ll grab the edge!”

Unscrewing a self-tapping screw with an elastic band

Having heard these words,
Glue "Moment" woke up
And in dreams of strong connections
I immediately dove in:

"I can grab hold of
For the remaining edges.
I will light the connection between you,
Then you'll get the guy."

The Bulgarian heard this,
She perked up sharply:
“How will you come unstuck later?
Are you completely crazy?

I'd rather drink it away
There are new facets to it.
I'll revive the crosspiece
And the guy will return."

Sawing new edges in the screw head

Drill, turning lazily,
At first she said nothing.
And then, completely awake,
Gave me two pieces of advice:

"If you want to save,
I'll screw in the extractor.
Before doing this, keep in mind -
A very important factor:

The hole needs to be drilled
Metal drill,
And then screw it in
Extractor sting.

Well, what if it breaks
Your fool
I'll take a bigger drill
I'll drill the kid."

Extruder in action

The soldering iron heard this,
Succumbed to pity
And almost being late,
Intervened in this advice:

"If he sits in a tree,
I can help.
I will char the fibers of the slabs,
I’ll warm up the screw.”

Warming up the screw with a soldering iron

The advice ended on this note.
The screwdriver received more than one response
And when the time came to make peace again,
She managed to grab hold of it.

Comments and feedback:

write a normal article, your poems didn’t work out


Thank you for your honest criticism. And I immediately hasten to correct my mistake. So…

The crosspiece of the self-tapping screw is usually “licked off” due to the use of a worn or unsuitable screwdriver. Therefore, at the first sign that something has gone wrong, it is recommended to change the tool to one that matches the cross.

If there is an existing problem, then you can unscrew such a crippled self-tapping screw in the following ways:
1) Pick up the loose cap with pliers.
2) Place a rubber band under the tip of the screwdriver, which will improve the adhesion to the cross.
3) Glue the tip of the screwdriver to the screw head.
4) File the head, creating a new recess for a screwdriver.
5) Using an extractor (not suitable for fragile hardened screws).
6) Simply drill out the stuck leg if the previous options do not help, but you need to pull it out.

If the self-tapping screw is in wood, chipboard, MDF and similar materials, you can heat it with a soldering iron. This will lead to charring of the fibers in contact with the metal, after which the embedded beauty can be pulled out using one of the above methods.

Natalia Shekhovtsova

An excellent and funny fable about a painful issue.
Apparently, the author of the fable was so tortured with unscrewing the self-tapping screw with torn edges that he turned to poetry)))


In my opinion, the article was quite original. After all, it’s annoying to read everything according to a template, but here, for those who understand what we’re talking about, everything is clear and understandable even in poetic form. I myself will say that most often I use a drill to drill out a self-tapping screw if I can’t get a hold of it.


The instructions are really useful, I’ll even keep them for myself. And its design in the form of a poem really attracts attention and interests. The author clearly put a lot of effort into it, obviously a creative soul.


Donut hole. Techies have a hole.


For those who don’t know yet, I’ll explain: this crosspiece is called a slot. learn the math part, author


We were taught at the institute that the hole is in the ass, but this is a hole!!! Ignorant!!!


"The hole needs to be drilled.
A drill for metal,” - HOLE!!!!!!


A self-tapping screw hammered in with a hammer holds better than a nail screwed in with a screwdriver.


There is no need to change words so often. It's hard to understand the meaning.


Heh, how cute! You need to set it to music - and the musical is ready! 🙂


Thank you! I’m just trying to figure out how to unscrew a few screws - I need a screwdriver with three blades. The Chinese bastards no longer know how to get rid of themselves.A soldering iron would be great, since we are talking about plastic - but it’s too deep, the tip is not enough. Probably a drill will help...


For originality 5. For quality 3. Well, after all, a mixture of poetry and technical advice is not a very good idea, there are a lot of unnecessary words stuck in for the sake of rhyme.


Write on the walls of the toilet,
My friends, no wonder.
Among the shit we are all poets,
Among poets, we are shit.
I recommend that the author not engage in graphomania and not publish his work, hmm, in the public domain.


But for me, a hole and a hole are the same thing. Those who boast that things are different - give ten differences between a hole and a hole?


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