How to organize your life according to the Zero Waste principle: simple ways to throw away less

A simple definition of Zero Waste is zero waste. The essence is the conservation of all resources through responsible production, consumption, reuse and recycling.

Zero Waste is a philosophy that encourages changing the life cycles of resources so that all products are reused. Garbage is not sent to landfills or incinerators. Zero waste is an ethical, economic, efficient and forward-thinking goal that helps people change their lifestyles and the planet as a whole.

Zero Waste

The essence of Zero Waste

So what does this concept imply? Not much, actually, but the principles are quite critical and essential:

  1. Give up - buy only what you really need.
  2. Reduce—reduce consumption. In most cases, we do not need many of the goods that we buy in stores.
  3. Reuse - reuse, reuse. Many people think that this has something to do with poverty, which is absolutely not the case. We can say that this particular point is of particular importance.
  4. Recycle - Most waste is recycled. Each of us can make a significant contribution to this process. You need to start by at least sorting the garbage you throw away.
  5. Compost. Organic waste must be stored separately. You can make humus from them and use it to grow indoor plants or fertilize your garden or front garden at home.

It is quite difficult to accept this way of life, much less follow the principles of this philosophy, which is why Zero Waste is considered a rather controversial concept. The fact is that it is almost impossible to completely eliminate waste. And here the most important thing is that you need to think about conscious consumption. Zero Waste requires a long time so that all these principles and actions are performed automatically and do not cause discomfort.

For example, an ardent adherent of philosophy, Bea Jones, completely eliminated toilet paper from her life and gave preference to... moss. Yes, then she abandoned this idea, but you yourself understand what points Zero Waste touches on. By the way, she only uses vinegar and olive soap to clean the house, and coconut oil for skin care, and claims that this is enough.

It will be very difficult to fully embrace Zero Waste, especially if you have not previously been a fan of eco-living. Adhering to such principles requires a lot of effort and, whatever one may say, sacrifice. After all, even the shadow palette in this case requires replacement. For example, cocoa powder.

However, you should not think at all that Zero Waste is for the elite! The fact is that it is possible to understand and accept this philosophy, as well as live in this mode, and this has been proven by many of its followers. But you can start small.

And if you think that giving up one plastic bag will not change anything on this planet, then you are very mistaken! How it will change. The main thing is to start, realize the importance of your decisions and consume wisely!

How to reduce waste and follow Zero Waste?

Let's figure out how you can reduce the amount of waste to a minimum and at the same time try to fulfill each Zero Waste principle:

Give up

Perhaps one of the most dangerous things on this planet is plastic packaging.But they are found everywhere. And often it is impossible to refuse it. For example, when the product is already packaged. But if the store allows you to buy something in bulk, then you need to use this service.

The same can be said about disposable plastic tableware and other small items:

  • for shopping - a fabric bag;
  • for bulk products - eco-bags;
  • for water - a metal flask (this way you can avoid PET bottles);
  • lunch box for lunch - so as not to buy food in disposable containers.

In addition, when going to the store, make a specific list and strictly follow it. Stop buying tons of unnecessary bottles, bottles, boxes. Make it a rule to only buy the product, not the packaging.

To minimize waste, you just need to buy less, or more precisely, make trips to the store thoughtful and conscious. And yes, finally learn to say a categorical “NO” to what is of no use, harmful, cheap and of low quality.



You can reduce consumption in any area of ​​life, from food to cosmetics and shoes.

For example, packaging for household chemicals. They have to be changed constantly. But there are a huge number of folk recipes where not only the bottle is not used, but the product itself does not contain harmful aggressive components. By using such compositions, you will not only take care of the ecosystem, but also your health.

Or another example - clothes. Of course, it is extremely important and necessary. But often stacks of things lie in our closets for years, and we, as a rule, do not plan to wear them. What does the Zero Waste philosophy offer? Reduce the number of things to a minimum.Believe me, even with a basic set of clothes of 15 pieces, you can create many outfits, but only if you combine them correctly with each other.



Any purchase, as mentioned above, should be treated thoughtfully. The item you purchased must be of high quality and durable. Ideally, it will last a long time, and when its “life” comes to an end, the manufacturer will accept it for recycling.

In fact, this is a utopia, but if each of us does exactly this - purchase any thing for the long term - then many would-be manufacturers will stop producing low-quality goods and reconsider their negligent policies. After all, most products are deliberately made of poor quality so that people come back again and again to buy. This applies to absolutely everything from a car to a toaster.



Waste sorting is an important step towards Zero Waste and eco-living. Any hazardous waste must be disposed of correctly: glass, paper, plastic, lamps, batteries and accumulators. There are special clauses for such products.

Waste paper


If you think about it this way, organic waste is why we take out the trash every day. But even they can be used in important, necessary and correct ways. Use them to make fertilizers for indoor plants or gardening at the dacha.



Each of the Zero Waste principles consists of many small steps that should become a habit gradually, over a certain period of time, so that living in an eco-style does not seem like a painful punishment. Naturally, it is simply impossible to join this trend in one day, but continuing to live in today’s realities is not normal.

Each of us can make an incredible contribution to the world's problem. If you think that giving up one plastic bag won't change anything, then you're wrong.


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