How bay leaf can replace air freshener

Have you noticed that every house has its own unique smell? Freshness, baked goods, men's and women's cosmetics... It's good when it's a pleasant smell that is associated with comfort, tranquility, and goodwill. But it happens the other way around! Something unpleasant is in the air, and there’s no way to get rid of it! What to do? Of course, you can buy a freshener. But you can do it in a simpler way, which requires not household appliances, but an ordinary bay leaf! What does he have to do with it? Let's talk.

How bay leaf can replace air freshener

Properties of the spice plant

Laurel is one of the plants that are valued for their essential oils. Its smell is well known and differs even against the background of the rich aromas of meat borscht.

But the spice is used not only in cooking. It is in demand in folk medicine, cosmetology, and occult rituals.

The properties of the plant were well known in the ancient world and were used in Ancient Greece and Rome. Noble branches served as a symbol of recognition of a person’s merits in some area, crowning the heads of geniuses and heroes.

Reference! Bay leaves have the unique ability to ennoble and cleanse the atmosphere of rooms.

Where spicy branches are laid out or fumigated with a smoldering leaf, one can breathe freely. It was believed that in such rooms it was easy to communicate and feel peace of mind.

Possibilities of lavrushka

Bay leaf

The aroma of a spicy plant can do many things:

  • awaken appetite;
  • relieve headaches and irritability;
  • restore internal energy;
  • disinfect the air from harmful bacteria;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve mood;
  • normalize sleep.

Not bad for a small leaf with a waxy coating, right? But we are interested in it, first of all, as an alternative to a freshener.

How to Use Bay Leaf as an Air Freshener

No one is immune from the appearance of unpleasant odors. Even with a manic desire for cleanliness, not the most pleasant aromas may arise.

It is reckless to rely on chemical substitutes. Sometimes the combination of perfume and aerosol becomes such an explosive mixture that tear gas succumbs to it.

Knowing the little secret of the spice, you can get rid of the obsessive smell quickly and environmentally friendly.

how to set fire to a leaf

  • To remove bad odors, you will need a small tin bowl.
  • Place a few leaves on the bottom of the container and set it on fire.
  • It is best if the leaves are fresh. In this case, unhurried smoldering will gradually displace unnecessary aromas from the house, leaving a feeling of vivacity and freshness.

Important! There is no suffocating smoke or burning smell from a smoldering bay leaf.

  • If you place a tin of burning laurel on a juniper stand, the aroma of the laurel will mix with the smell of heated juniper from the stand. The result is an indescribably fresh cocktail with shades of the sea.

Advice! To keep your home fresh, you can also place leaves or twigs on the tops of cabinets or window sills, changing them once a month.

What else is laurel useful for?

The noble plant can be used not only to purify the air.

benefits of laurel

  • Has anyone in the family caught a cold? Keep laurel on hand! For people suffering from asthma and frequent colds, the smell of laurel relieves spasms, relaxes small muscles, allowing them to breathe freely, and calms coughs.
  • Low mood? Again, we remember the fragrant plant! Its smell clears the mind, enhances self-control, and relieves feelings of causeless anxiety and fear. It also strengthens self-confidence and reduces anxiety.
  • Do you want to maintain peace and tranquility in your family? Don't miss a bay leaf! It is considered a powerful talisman of the hearth and family well-being.

Try setting fire to a green leaf yourself! You will find that you won't need a freshener!

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