How to use hand sanitizer at home: 9 interesting ways

Antiseptics are an excellent and effective means for disinfecting hands. They are often made from ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. Thanks to this component, the product is considered a universal assistant in the household, neutralizing the “life activity” of bacteria, fungi, staphylococci, streptococci and even Koch’s bacillus. But they can not only treat your hands, but also be used in more unexpected situations. We'll tell you why it can be useful.

Surprisingly, but true: antiseptic solutions and gels relieve itching and inflammation from insect bites.

Disinfect personal hygiene items

Some things in our home require periodic treatment. We are talking about such little things as manicure scissors, combs, brushes for eyelashes and eyebrows, makeup brushes and more. Of course, you can simply wash them with soap and water, but an antiseptic will work much more effectively - this method, of course, will not replace a full wash, but will significantly reduce the number of bacteria on the surface of these items.

Manicure tools

Get rid of odor after cooking

Many of us are familiar with the situation when, after preparing a certain dish, our hands smell unpleasantly of one of the ingredients.This usually happens after chopping onions or garlic, cutting fish, or chopping celery. And here an antiseptic will come to the rescue. Just spray a little onto your palms and rub well. The alcohol will remove the smell.


Polish the glass

It’s clear that we have been using special products for cleaning glass surfaces for a long time. And they also contain alcohol. Moreover, our grandmothers began to use it to polish the window. It is worth saying that it works quite effectively.

However, if there is no special composition at hand, it can be replaced with an antiseptic. Apply a small amount to the surface and rub gently using a soft cloth. In addition, alcohol on the glass will prevent condensation from forming, which is an ideal solution for the bathroom.


Clear glasses

Using an antiseptic, you can also treat optical instruments, medical glasses and sunglasses. The product will remove stains from cosmetics, hairspray, fingerprints and just dust.


Remove traces of glue

To get rid of such contaminants, just apply an antiseptic to the problem area and wait about 15 minutes. Traces of glue, tape or sticker will be cleaned up much easier.

An antiseptic will help wipe the resin off your hands after installing a live spruce tree.

Wipe down equipment screens

Antiseptic gel can also be used for the screens of smartphones, TVs, tablets and other gadgets. With its help, even minor scratches are removed, as well as hand marks, dust, stains and, of course, bacteria, which is especially important for phones.

According to numerous studies, entire colonies of bacteria live and thrive on the surface of a smartphone.

In addition, it can be used to process computer accessories: mouse, keyboard, headphones, cameras.


Erase permanent marker

The antiseptic can easily clean such traces from upholstery, clothing, and walls. However, first of all, be sure to test the result on an inconspicuous area - who knows!

Get rid of flies

Since these insects cannot tolerate the smell of alcohol, the antiseptic will become a kind of barrier to prevent flies from flying into the house. You can apply it to a mosquito net (some small pests easily penetrate through micro-holes), or you can treat the window frame with the product.

And if flies have already attacked your home, then simply spray antiseptic on the pests. After a while they will fall and can be swept away and thrown into the trash or toilet.


Clean stainless steel

Using an antiseptic gel, stainless steel utensils are very easy to clean. Traces from greasy hands, plaque, dark spots and even scale will disappear.


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Washing machines

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