How and where to properly store potatoes in an apartment so they don’t spoil

A well-known vegetable, without which everyday and holiday tables cannot be done. Many families prepare it for future use, buying large nets with root vegetables for the winter. But a problem immediately arises - how to properly store potatoes so they don't spoil, and is it possible to do this in an apartment. Even if you do not purchase a large supply of vegetables, it will be useful to know about storage rules.


Preparation for storage

It's easiest for cellar owners. All that remains is to dry the dug up tubers, clear a little of the soil and put them in prepared boxes. At optimal temperature and humidity, the product is stored until next summer.

It is much more difficult to store in an apartment, as it is too warm and quite humid.

The vegetable is categorically against heat. A sufficient temperature to preserve beneficial properties is considered to be from 2 to 4°C. When kept on a balcony, fluctuations of up to +7°C are allowed. Well prepared tubers can also lie in boxes at a temperature of +18°C.

Indoor humidity is required at 80–90%. As the indicators decrease, the vegetable becomes flabby and begins to sprout. Potatoes should not be placed near heating radiators, or on the balcony or street at subzero temperatures.

Preparing potatoes for storage

TOP 5 storage options in the apartment

Living quarters are not the best way to preserve root vegetables. Especially if large bags were purchased.We offer you several possible options that will help you keep your potatoes in good quality longer.

Cabinets in the kitchen

This is where we cook, it's the hottest room in the house. However, even in such conditions you can find a cabinet where you put the root vegetables. Choose the coolest place: it should be removed from the stove and household appliances that contribute to heating.

The fruits should not be exposed to light, otherwise they will germinate. Also make sure there is free air access. It will remove excess moisture and prevent rotting. Please note that even if all conditions are met, this is only a temporary measure.

A drawer under the sink is considered a good place. Place potatoes in wicker baskets or plastic containers.

Storing potatoes in a kitchen cabinet

Box under the window

In old houses, a structure called the “Khrushchev refrigerator” is often preserved. These are shelves created directly under the sill of the kitchen window. Great place to store potatoes. However, due to the significant drop in temperature in winter, strictly monitor it with a thermometer.

Khrushchev refrigerator


Small stocks of root vegetables are stored in plastic compartments of the device. It is better if the tubers are additionally packaged in airtight containers. This way they will remain fresh longer and will not absorb foreign odors.

It is important that the temperature does not fall below +5°C. Otherwise, the potatoes will have a sweetish taste.

Storing potatoes in the refrigerator


Optimal place. Equip a special box in advance, protected from sudden changes in temperature and external factors, light. It is better if the balcony is glazed and additionally insulated.

When it is very cold outside, cover the box with old blankets or bring bags of potatoes into the apartment so that the tubers do not spoil.The insulated design can be made from wood and foam.

Storing potatoes on the balcony


If the house has a dark and cool room for storing food supplies, that’s ideal. Build a well-ventilated wooden box in which to place the potatoes. He will lie longer than on the balcony or refrigerator shelf.

Today, every supermarket and even convenience store offers a range of potatoes all year round. There is no need to make large reserves for the winter.

Storing potatoes in the pantry

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