How often should you take out the trash?

For any housewife, the issue of maintaining cleanliness in the apartment is especially important. Not only the order in the house, but also the good mood of the whole family depends on this. Of course, in most cases, cleaning is carried out when necessary and when dirty. However, according to certain beliefs and even calculations by scientists, there is a need for frequent cleaning.

Most people are accustomed to throwing away garbage bags only after they are full. It turns out that this approach is not entirely correct, we will try to figure this out and give some useful tips.Throwing out garbage.

How often should you take out the trash and why?

Scientists from Germany conducted a study, the essence of which was to observe different groups of people throwing garbage out of their apartments with different frequencies. The experiment revealed that long-term storage of garbage in a bucket causes various infectious diseases and reduces immunity. The most common types of diseases caused by household waste include the following:

  • pathologies caused by the Aspergillus fungus, which affects lung tissue;
  • various fungal skin problems;
  • allergic reactions.

The experiment also revealed that even a small amount of garbage during long-term storage causes adverse consequences.This can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the proliferation of mold fungi and the appearance of rodents and insects, which can also cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, you should be careful about garbage and throw it away in a timely manner.Full trash can.

Attention! You should not leave household waste in the trash bin for a long time; try to throw away the bags about once every 2-3 days, and it is important to thoroughly clean the container in which the bags are stored. Not only cleanliness and order, but also your health may depend on this procedure.

How to properly dispose of garbage - beliefs and practical recommendations

In addition to scientific research and practical evidence, people often believe folk superstitions and sometimes put them first. There are various signs and beliefs among people that relate to garbage and the process of its disposal. The following are considered the most important:

  • garbage should not be thrown out at night or late in the evening, as this may lead to financial difficulties;
  • You cannot take out garbage bags at night, as this may anger the house helpers (we are talking about brownies who may be offended by the owner);
  • a special place is occupied by the disposal of personal belongings, nails, hair in the evening - at this time of day a special aura is created that negatively affects a person, therefore the disposal of things and biological waste can disrupt the energy;
  • You cannot throw away garbage bags immediately before departure, as this leads to the destruction of the aura, which has a negative impact on the traveler - it is better to take care of waste disposal in advance.

Religion calls for refraining from taking out trash on Sundays and holy holidays.It is worth taking care of cleanliness in advance and taking out the garbage bags.

Despite the fact that many people do not believe in omens, existing superstitions have practical validity. For example, taking out garbage bags in the evening may attract unnecessary attention from neighbors, which will lead to discussions and rumors. Releasing personal data and personal information on paper can lead to fraud.

Do not neglect timely cleaning and keep your home clean to avoid various unpleasant consequences.

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