How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

Metal surfaces tend to rust over time. This does not look aesthetically pleasing, and may affect the functionality of the item. So you have to fight the rust hard, and the sooner you do it, the better. Let's figure out how to destroy these unpleasant red marks.

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

From metal surfaces

We know from chemistry lessons that the surface of iron products, coming into contact with oxygen, begins to rust. There are three ways to deal with rust stains:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • thermal.

During mechanical action, small rusty stains are scrubbed with brushes, which can be:

  • with metal pile;
  • with brass bristles;
  • wooden.

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

Chemical method involves the use of acids that can dissolve oxides. Small rusty parts are completely immersed in acid, and large ones are wiped with damp sponges dipped in it.

When a product subject to corrosion is heated, the surface layer of rust peels off and crumbles. For this purpose, you can use a regular electric hair dryer, capable of heating the air stream to 40–50°C. After this, the heated rusty surface is treated with acid:

  • phosphoric acid can not only remove existing rust stains, but also protect the metal surface in the future;
  • lactic acid makes salt from rust, which is then removed with a cloth smeared with petroleum jelly;
  • Zinc chloride dissolves red spots using an acidic medium.

From the car

Car parts are also susceptible to corrosion and can become covered with a layer of rust. To unscrew rusty wheel nuts, you will have to dissolve the oxides. To do this, lubricate the nuts with kerosene, turpentine or anti-rust and leave for a while, or better yet, until the next day. After this you can easily unscrew the nuts. Soak them in regular table vinegar or bake them in a hot oven.

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

It is advisable to treat the arches over the wheels and the bottom itself with a special anti-rust agent, then prime and paint.

You can remove rust from the body by first washing the desired areas, after which I cleaned off the rusty traces with sandpaper, treated it with anti-corrosion agent, converted it and painted it.

With bath

If the bottom of a metal bath is rusty, pour vinegar and leave for 24 hours, and then rinse with water. Moisten the red marks on the sides of the bathtub with vinegar using a spray bottle, and repeat the treatment 3-4 times as it dries.

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

Baking soda will help remove rust, although it is not an acid. Dilute it with water and lubricate problem areas with the mixture. After 20 minutes, remove rusty residues with a brush and rinse with water.

Salt will help clean your acrylic bathtub white. You can rub the rusty area with a potato cut in half. Or prepare a paste from raw, grated potatoes, adding lemon juice to it.

From the toilet

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

Abrasive powders or liquid products, which are widely available on the shelves of hardware stores, will help clean the toilet from traces of rust. And we suggest that opponents of chemistry use folk remedies:

  • moisten a cloth with vinegar, apply it to the rusty area, and drain the water after half an hour;
  • pour citric acid onto a sponge, apply to the yellow stripe and wash off after an hour and a half;
  • mix hydrogen peroxide with ammonia 1:5, apply to the stain, rinse off after half an hour, using a brush;
  • pour oxalic acid onto the yellow spot, rub thoroughly, and after 10 minutes rinse with water;
  • prepare a mixture: baking soda, peroxide, water, and lubricate the problem area, and rinse off after half an hour;
  • pour Coca-Cola from a bottle onto the stain, leave for an hour, then rinse with water;
  • Using a toothbrush that you no longer use, rub toothpaste into the stains, leave for half an hour and rinse;
  • In the evening, pour white into the toilet, and in the morning, wipe with a brush and rinse.

From clothes

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

If rust somehow gets on your clothes, you can apply lemon juice to the red stain. It should be applied several times as the juice dries. Then rinse with water. If after this procedure the rusty stain is still visible, repeat the procedure by adding salt to the lemon juice.

From the iron

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

Cut a piece of aluminum foil, form a ball and run it across the soleplate of the iron. The same method can be used to clean off rust marks on pipes.

From coins

Dip rusted metal coins into a glass of undiluted vinegar, or try cleaning them with baking soda, moistening it with water before use.

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

High-grade silver coins are cleaned with ammonia, and low-grade silver coins are cleaned with lemon juice. They need to be lowered into a container with ammonia or alcohol so that the liquid covers the coins completely, turning them over from time to time.

Copper money is soaked in table vinegar, and those made from an alloy of iron and zinc are cleaned with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. You don’t need to keep the coins in it for long, and when the rust dissolves, rinse them under running water.

From skates

How to quickly remove rust from different surfaces

If you take out your skates in winter and see that the blades are covered with a rusty layer, sharpen them, they will become thinner, and the corrosion will go away.

As you can see, rust stains can and should be dealt with, and choose the methods of struggle from those proposed yourself, depending on the situation.

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