Eco-friendly cleaning: 6 reasons why it is healthier than classic cleaning

Today, conscious consumption and environmental responsibility are becoming increasingly popular, and this is good news. Ecoworld touched on cosmetics, clothing and, of course, home cleaning products. I'll tell you about 6 reasons why you should take a course on environmental friendliness and give preference to safe products.

A safer home

Any label on aggressive detergents tells us that such products contain substances that are often toxins. When contacting them, it is extremely important to use protective gloves and sometimes a respirator. Every day in the world there are poisonings from household chemicals, and they often end in very tragic consequences. Young children, pets and allergy sufferers are most often affected.

Refusing aggressive chemicals and replacing them with eco-friendly products means taking care not only of your safety, but also of the health of everyone living in the house.

Making your home safer

Air cleaning

When we use conventional cleaning products and detergents, volatile organic substances are released into the air and can linger there for a long time. Every day we inhale these fumes, poisoning the body and risking serious complications.Even storing aggressive chemicals leads to the air in the house becoming polluted with harmful microparticles that get there even from closed packaging.

Once you decide to switch to eco-friendly products, over time the air in your rooms will become much cleaner.

Purifying the air

Taking care of your health

Allergies, coughing attacks, headaches, sometimes nausea and dizziness are just the “flowers” ​​that can be caused by the use of harmful “chemicals”. What other consequences can you imagine if you do not follow the safety requirements: wear gloves, ventilate the room during and after cleaning, thoroughly rinse surfaces to remove residues of aggressive products.

Switching to eco-friendly products will protect you from serious consequences and improve your health.

Respect for nature

It has long been no secret that household chemicals cause enormous damage to the environment. The use of conventional detergents is almost the main reason for negative changes in the physical, chemical and bacteriological properties of water. Now imagine how many people pour detergent residue down the drain every day...

Each of us can make a significant contribution to protecting the environment by switching to safe products.

We treat nature with care

Pleasant smell in the house

Most home cleaning aerosols and gels smell very nice. Moreover, this aroma is often persistent and pungent. The reason for this is the presence of artificial flavors in the composition. They may well cause coughing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

Eco-products contain only organic essential oils and fragrances. Naturally, they will not fill the rooms with the same rich aroma. But they are hypoallergenic and completely harmless.Unless a person has an individual intolerance to a certain smell.


Saving money

Today, the range of eco-friendly products is simply huge. Moreover, the same manufacturers can produce both chemical products and environmentally friendly ones. To be honest, looking at the price tags, it is hardly possible to say that natural “chemicals” will significantly save the family budget.

But there is a way out! Store-bought products can easily be replaced with improvised ingredients. Soda, vinegar, citric acid, hydrogen peroxide, mustard powder - all of them can easily replace “chemistry”. Moreover, they can effectively cope even with old stains and carbon deposits.

In addition, most products based on natural substances are universal. That is, you don’t have to buy different cleaning agents for glass, washing floors and dishes, polishing furniture and cleaning the bathtub. As a rule, you can limit yourself to one bottle and use it to clean the entire house.

Save money

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers