What not to do in the summer so as not to endanger yourself

Summer is, without a doubt, a season of fun and relaxation. However, it is precisely this that can easily harm an unwary person. There are many things that are extremely undesirable to do on a hot sunny day. We will talk about them today.

Consume alcohol

Drinking alcohol in the summer is strictly contraindicated under any conditions. There are a number of reasons for this. However, two stand out the most:

  • First, alcohol causes dehydration. And all because it acts on the principle of a diuretic.
  • Secondly, when drinking, blood pressure in the body increases. This greatly increases the chances of overheating and, as a result, heat stroke.

Try to cool yourself down

It sounds absurd, but it is people's attempts to escape the heat that often prevent them from feeling good. Many people simply do not know how the body fights heat. This leads to aggravation of the situation.

For example, sitting in the “cool” under a fan is no use. Still, in reality, this device does not cool the air much like an air conditioner. It just creates a breeze. As a result, the surroundings do not become cooler, but the person himself may even become hotter.


And taking a cold shower is completely dangerous. I've already talked about this before.This only causes the body to activate its internal struggle against low temperatures, becoming more vulnerable to heat.

Neglect liquid

The human body uses water to regulate its own thermoregulation. With its deficiency, fatigue quickly sets in and performance is lost. In this case, you need to drink, even if there is no obvious desire.

It is also important to understand that not all drinks help maintain water balance in the body. For example, high caffeine content works as a diuretic. Which means it only does harm. Sweets simply interfere with the absorption of moisture.

Don't use sunscreen

Do you think that it is needed just to avoid getting sunburned? Well, this is a big mistake. Even if it's partly cloudy outside, the sun's rays are still quite dangerous for human skin. Especially for people who have many moles on their body. Not immediately, of course. But in the long term, they increase the chances of developing skin diseases. So you need to apply sunscreen at least half an hour before going outside. And then update every 2 hours for better protection.


Walk your pets often

There's nothing wrong with brightening up your shopping trip with your pet's company. However, in hot weather, animals need to be closely monitored. Due to their fur and high body temperature, they often feel very uncomfortable under the scorching sun. It may even have a negative impact on their respiratory system. So in extreme heat it is better to keep your pets indoors.

Using shampoo too often

Many doctors say that they should wash their hair no more than twice a week. And this is especially true in the summer, when the scalp begins to sweat more often and the hair becomes dirty.Yes, yes, it sounds paradoxical, but let me explain.

You need to understand: if you start using shampoo more often, your hair will become dirty faster, no matter how contradictory it may be. And all because of the need to maintain acid balance. So you will have to be patient a little so that the craving for cleanliness does not come back to haunt you with dandruff and pimples.

Girl washes her hair

Be diligent with your workouts

Exercising will help you get rid of lethargy - it's true. However, certain measures must be taken. First of all, don’t ignore fatigue. Feelings such as dizziness, weakness in the limbs or nausea indicate fatigue. In hot weather, this condition occurs much faster and becomes especially dangerous to health. In the summer, it is better to slightly lower your usual training limit.

Eat a lot of protein

Its consumption inevitably increases heat production in the body. As a result, water is lost. And no, you cannot compensate for this with an additional liter of life-giving moisture! Everyone talks about dehydration, but actually, drinking too much is also bad.

baked dish

Don't get enough sleep

Most people horribly underestimate the role of sleep in their lives. Insomnia can result in many different physical illnesses and even mental disorders. In summer, it interferes with natural thermoregulation.

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