What can a melamine sponge clean?

Every housewife dreams of a miracle remedy that will cope with all contaminants. It is desirable that cleaning takes a minimum of time and effort. Melamine sponge meets all these requirements. To remove dirt, no chemicals are required, just wet the product in water and start scrubbing away the stains.

Melamine sponge: test drive

The sponge is made of melamine resin. It can be used on almost all types of hard surfaces. It has a dense structure and removes different types of contaminants:

  • In the kitchen. Completely removes limescale and traces of rust. Will remove carbon deposits and greasy stains from the stove and flooring;
  • In living rooms. Will clear marks from a ballpoint pen, marker, ink from any surface, dirt from carpets;
  • On items of clothing. Will cope with stains and marks on leather bags, jackets and shoes. Will get rid of fresh and old stains on furniture;

The principle of operation of the sponge is not to wash the surface, but to erase dirt, like an eraser. In this case, the product does not dissolve dirt, but simply erases it from the surface.

Attention! Do not use a cleaning agent together with a sponge. An unexpected reaction may occur between melamine and the product.

Rust removal

Difficult stains, including rust, can be easily cleaned. During the friction process, foam is released from the product, which tends to corrode and draw out dirt. Of course, old rust is not wiped off so well and quickly, but the sponge copes well with fresh stains. It can be used to remove rust from plumbing fixtures, dishes, and in a car it is generally an irreplaceable thing. Cleaning can be carried out in the interior to remove old and fresh rust from car parts.

Melamine sponge


Scale appears in kettles all the time. Every housewife dreams of cleaning the kettle quickly. The melamine product is made from a toxic substance and is therefore not suitable for cleaning food contact surfaces. If you clean the inside of the kettle with a sponge, harmful substances may remain on the walls and then enter the body with water. Of course, you can clean the scale, but then the kettle must be rinsed well with plenty of water.

Melamine sponge

Removing markers and greenery with a sponge

When removing stains from green paint and marker, the sponge must be moistened. It should be noted that you cannot twist or squeeze it. You need to lightly wet it in water and gently squeeze it out. The sponge has a fragile structure; under mechanical stress it can break and crumble. When wiping stains from a delicate or fragile surface, do not apply too much pressure to the product. Its abrasive structure can leave noticeable scratches. The brilliant green and traces of the marker are easily cleaned with a corner of the product. After this treatment there will be no traces left.

Melamine sponge

Reference! Recommends cleaning dirt with just a corner and not the entire surface. As the sponge absorbs dirt, its structure becomes brittle.If you clean the surface with a corner, the product will last much longer. If a small amount of abrasive material is required for cleaning, you can cut a small piece from the sponge.

Removing scuffs from shoes and flooring

The universal sponge does an excellent job of cleaning leather surfaces, including shoes. You can not only remove traces of dirt from shoes or boots, but also disguise scuffs. After treatment, worn shoes will look like new.

Melamine sponge

Melamine will cope with dark stripes from shoes, with drawings from a ballpoint pen or marker on parquet or linoleum. Any floor covering will sparkle clean. Old stains, ingrained dust and dirt are wonderfully removed from any carpet products.

Test for sponge removal of scratches on furniture

Pieces of furniture, carpets, rugs are always at risk in a house where there are children. They can decorate the table with a marker, write on the carpet with a pen, and add beautiful patterns to a leather chair. A damp sponge will perfectly wipe off all traces completely. When scrubbing, do not press hard on the abrasive structure, otherwise scratches will appear on the furniture.

Melamine sponge

Important! When contacting the abrasive surface of the product, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves. The structure of the sponge begins to crumble and crumble, and can damage your hands.

A modern and affordable universal product will allow you to effectively and quickly clean any hard surface from contaminants of any nature. If you follow the instructions and safety rules, melamine will not harm the human body. Any stains and dirt will not resist a new product with an abrasive structure.The melamine sponge will be an ideal assistant in the kitchen, living room, nursery and car interior.

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Washing machines

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