What happens if you throw yeast into the toilet?

Nobody canceled curiosity. Search engines have not been surprised by anything for a long time, and when I accidentally wondered what would happen if you flushed yeast down the toilet, I received an interesting answer. I want to immediately stipulate that what follows will not be instructions for use, but only facts and answers!

What happens if you throw yeast into the toilet?

What is yeast

Let's remember biology: Yeasts are single-celled fungi that love warmth and humidity. Then they begin to multiply uncontrollably, releasing carbon dioxide. Microorganisms rise through foam, which is actively used in various useful fields of activity. For example, they help us bake delicious bread and buns. Mushrooms process organic substances, triggering the fermentation mechanism. If they do not have oxygen, then alcohol is released, which gives them energy.

Some varieties are strong allergens!

What happens if you throw yeast into the toilet?

So, we have, on the one hand, heat-loving organisms, just waiting for favorable conditions for active reproduction, and on the other, our question about sewerage.

City apartment, ordinary toilet - will there be an effect?

If you just quit yeast into the toilet of an apartment building and wash off, then the experiment will end with a negative result. Why? Because there is no organic matter, cold water flows in the pipes, and the entire charge will float down the drain. Therefore, in order to observe special effects, it is necessary to find a way to trap microorganisms and create greenhouse conditions.Then we will start the fermentation process.

What happens if you throw yeast into the toilet?

It turns out that if you take a pack of dry or wet yeast and flush it down the city toilet, nothing bad will happen. But you can create a blockage and witness an eerie process!

Village pranks

A toilet on the street or in a private house has favorable conditions for reproduction and hooliganism. The result depends on several factors:

  • the weather must be warm;
  • availability of several packages;
  • The cesspool has not been cleaned for a long time.

What happens if you throw yeast into the toilet?

In theory, you should end up with a foul-smelling fountain, especially if a fair amount of organic matter has accumulated!

Surprisingly, I even found calculations: for an outdoor toilet you will need about one and a half or two kilograms of single-celled baking assistants.

If you throw only one standard pack into the pit, foam will appear, but it is unlikely to reach the top. Most likely, the process will end harmlessly and without consequences. But the surrounding air will be filled with an unpleasant fecal odor, which can poison the atmosphere for about three days, which will also cause trouble for the people around you! After a week, fermentation will end, the contents will sag and become similar to ordinary humus.

Dry toilet

The structure, consisting of a toilet and a tank for collecting human waste, is not protected from hooligans, and a pack of yeast can cause an emergency! For example, there is no collection tank on the train, and the limited capacity will spew foam out.

What happens if you throw yeast into the toilet?

A real dry closet has a very narrow drain, so the yeast will need to be dissolved first. A large number of packs will be needed, and the result depends on the chemistry used in a particular case. In theory, chemicals should dampen the reaction. But there is always a risk of getting a geyser from stool!

If you simply pour out the bag, the drain water will be redirected to a separate tank without organic matter. An emergency will only happen if microorganisms land on fresh feces. They react and an eruption begins.

Such experiments entail administrative liability!

What effect do experimenters observe?

The worst case scenario is observed when the experiment was successfully carried out in a private house, school or city apartment! Foam with a pungent odor begins to emerge from all sewer cracks. The mass pours out of the toilet, floods the floor, and it is very difficult to deal with it!

What happens if you throw yeast into the toilet?

On numerous forums, people share childhood memories when school lessons were disrupted in this way. Someone was taking revenge on unpleasant neighbors or wanted to make a joke. Anyway, I want to remind everyone that curiosity is a good thing. It encourages us to learn new things and see the world from a different perspective. But there must be certain boundaries that should not be crossed; some ideas must remain in theory! The law of karma is inexorable!

Comments and feedback:

So should you throw yeast down the toilet or not? What will happen - will it bleat like a lonely sail or not?


I did NOT understand with what intent this stupid note was printed?! Someone got into the foggy head to teach highly inquisitive people to “goof off” at school in this way, teach neighbors a lesson, create a volcano on a train…..
Of course, no one has yet canceled idiocy......

Simply Maria

On TV they always show thieves or someone else and how they were exposed, where they messed up, where they left what evidence. Like, don’t repeat this again, learn the right way so that you don’t get caught. And here they also teach...


The article is fake... it’s enough to know that yeast needs sugar or glucose and dextrose is their food... without them they won’t be able to reproduce... there’s only ammonia in shit, yeast loves it too but.. there won’t be a violent reaction


You had to buy an RGD-5, pull the pin and throw it in the toilet. A most interesting effect could result!


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