9 features of common things, the purpose of which you might not know

As a rule, we use many things, as they say, on a whim or because they showed us so. And it is for this reason that it is sometimes difficult for us to go beyond our ideas and understand that our approach to many household items is incorrect or simply non-functional. And even more so, sometimes it is very difficult to guess that the items that we use every day may have other, more unexpected functions that are provided by the manufacturer.

Things that seem familiar to us, as it turns out, are full of surprises. We may think we know everything about them, but in fact we don’t.

Recess at the bottom of the mug

This oddity can not be noticed on all products. But, for example, options from IKEA mostly contain such a recess. The recess can be of different shapes and sizes, but it is intended for one purpose - water will drain from the mug and will not stagnate (both after hand washing and after the dishwasher).

Notch on the cup

Jacket pocket

Single-breasted or double-breasted suits are often made with only two pockets on the jacket. They can be either overhead or internal - depending on the model. However, sometimes there are classic versions that have one more pocket - a third one.As a rule, its location is on top of the right side. It is very small, rubberized or with a valve.

So these pockets are not just a decorative element, but even have their own name - “ticket pocket”. In the 19th century, they were intended so that men who were too “in love” with theater or horse racing could put tickets, watches, and coins there. Today, this element has lost its popularity and such models are only made to order.

Side pocket

"Loop-patch" on the backpack

Nowadays, on almost every backpack you can see an unusual leather diamond with vertical slits. If we talk about its direct purpose, it even has its own name - lash tab. Translated, it sounds like “tie-tab,” which explains its purpose—for threading ropes, carabiners, and fastenings for additional equipment. As a rule, this is an integral part of tourist backpacks, and in urban models it serves, rather, a decorative purpose and nothing more.

Loop-patch on the backpack

A piece of fabric on a clothing tag

Surely many have seen that on the back of new clothes there is a small piece of material - the same one from which the item is made. Sometimes they also put a spare button there. So, many cannot understand why this piece of fabric is needed and mistakenly believe that in case of a hole it is used for a patch.

However, this is a completely erroneous opinion. A small piece of material is attached for one purpose - to conduct testing on it. It can be washed, ironed, treated with stain removers and other means to evaluate how the item will behave during the main wash.

Piece of cloth

Side hole on lollipop sticks

If you love such sweets, then you have probably noticed a small hole on the stick when the candy has already been eaten.In general, there are a lot of legends around this detail. Some people think that if you try, you can get a whistle, while others argue that this hole is needed in case a child accidentally swallows a stick and it gets stuck in his throat - thanks to the hole he will be able to breathe.

Of course, all this is far from the truth, although many people manage to whistle through it. In fact, this hole is a part of the production process. When caramel is poured into molds, part of the sweetness gets inside the base - the stick - and hardens there, and therefore the candy is firmly fixed and remains motionless.


Horizontal buttonholes

Perhaps you have noticed that the top button on a shirt is usually threaded through a horizontal buttonhole, while all the others are vertical. Sometimes this can be seen on the bottom button. The reason for this strangeness is very simple - the top button is easier than others to jump out of the loop, and therefore manufacturers change the location of the slot for reliability.


Hole in Spaghetti Spoon

Basically, it's a great tool for catching cooked spaghetti. It looks, of course, unusual, because many of us are accustomed to using a colander. But once you try a special spoon at work, you will no longer want to do without it.

But many people have a question regarding the design of the device. It has a round hole in the center, and most people think it's for draining spaghetti. However, it has a much more useful purpose: it is made to measure the amount of dry pasta to prepare a standard portion.This is an excellent solution for those who can eat tons of spaghetti, but at the same time want to lose weight: now you simply won’t be able to overeat if you measure out the optimal amount of product before cooking.

Spaghetti spoon

Hole on the tape measure stop

Almost most of these products initially have a metal tip with rivets or a small hole. This was done not just for visual beauty, but has a completely functional meaning. For example, if a person works independently and needs to measure some long distance, then the tip easily clings to a nail or screw (which, by the way, in some cases is driven in first), and the person does not have problems with measurements.

By the way, some models of tape measures are equipped with a magnetized tip - it clings perfectly to metal surfaces, into which, as you know, you cannot drive a nail.


Drawer under the oven

If you now open the bottom drawer located under the oven, what will you see? That's right - frying pans, ladles or other utensils. However, in many kitchens this is what it is used for - storing dishes. But he has a completely different task - more useful and unexpected.

In fact, the lower compartment of the cooker with drawer was designed to maintain the optimal temperature of already cooked dishes. Nothing will burn in it, will not cool down and will not lose its taste and aroma.

For example, you are expecting guests, but the time of their arrival is uncertain. You can turn on the oven and place dishes to be served hot in the bottom drawer. When guests arrive, you just need to get the treats - they will be warmed up.

By the way, this function of the bottom drawer is even specifically stated in the instructions for using the stove from most manufacturers.

Drawer under the oven

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers