9 Clever Ways to Easily Open a Screw Top Jar

Every housewife uses jars with screw-on lids to preserve food for the winter. They are incredibly easy to use and easy to use. And you can save a lot of time compared to conventional lids for rolling up.

True, there is one difficulty: closing such a jar is very easy, but sometimes opening it is not at all easy. No matter how you try to do it, it just won’t budge. Having tried a lot of methods, we often start asking someone who is stronger to open the jar.e. However, in reality everything is much simpler, and there are many ways to open such a complex lid without outside help.

9 Clever Ways to Easily Open a Screw Top Jar

Why do such banks not want to open?

Twist-off is the name for tin lids for twisting. Their popularity is justified by the possibility of reusable use. They can be held in place not only because of the presence of threads. The principle is very simple: during the preparation of canned food, the can is doused with boiling water or steam, and at this time the polymer coating softens. During the cooling process, the top is drawn inward, and the strength of the twist is ensured by the vacuum effect. This makes it possible to close the seal extremely tightly. By creating a sealed environment, the entry of microbes into the food is prevented; moreover, the products become suitable for consumption for a long time.

To reuse such caps, they must be opened carefully. You can use a special key or unscrew it manually, applying considerable effort. Reasons that prevent opening:

  • wet and slippery hands;
  • retraction greater than the desired value due to low pressure;
  • a jar of honey, preserves or jam may be high in sugar and the lid is simply glued to the neck.

The lid must be unscrewed strictly counterclockwise, as it is screwed in the opposite direction.

9 Clever Ways to Easily Open a Screw Top Jar

Before the unscrewing process itself, it is necessary to inspect the cover. If it is swollen, it cannot be opened. This indicates that the food inside has gone bad. When opened, the cover may fly off and cause injury. You have to be very careful with such a defect.

There is also the possibility of glass getting into the products. If you see chips or cracks, the jar should not be touched. Air is guaranteed to get inside and the contents will deteriorate.

Methods for opening a jar

In most cases, jars open easily, but sometimes you may encounter a number of difficulties. Someone can simply knock, and the lid can be unscrewed without difficulty, but not always. You can suffer for hours and not get the desired result. Fortunately, there are plenty of proven ways to deal with an unruly lid. Let's list them.

  • Hit. This is the easiest way. It is necessary to turn the jar over and hold it suspended. Then you should tap on the bottom. Or, on the contrary, place the jar on your palm and tap on the lid. In most cases, it will open only if your workpieces are not candied and the lid is not stuck.
  • Special key. A canned one will do; every housewife is guaranteed to have it in the kitchen. It acts in two directions: twisting and unscrewing.Its main advantage is that the key does not damage the lid and glass. If you don’t already have one, you can purchase it at any hardware store.
  • Ordinary laws of physics. Use a regular belt, just thread it through the buckle. Insert the jar into the resulting loop and tighten it tightly, while pointing it clockwise and the lid in the opposite direction. The jar will open easily.
  • Improve grip. Hands and the jar itself should be dry and grease-free, as this is often the cause of difficulties in opening. A rubber or silicone glove will do, or you can take a regular kitchen towel. Plastic film or sandpaper also perfectly increases adhesion. You can put them on the lid and start unscrewing. Significant physical effort is required, so if your hands hurt, this method will not work.
  • Roll. A very effective way: put the can on its side and roll it along the edge of the table in different directions. The most important thing is to do this with the edge of the lid. The tightly fitting lid will relax and unscrew easily (you will hear a characteristic quiet pop).
  • Heat. It is enough to take warm water into a bowl and lower the jar into it with the neck down. After 15 minutes you can remove it and open it. No effort required. Running hot water will also work. When exposed to heat, the lid expands and is easily unscrewed. You can also use a heated towel or direct boiling water.

9 Clever Ways to Easily Open a Screw Top Jar

However, in the latter case you should be extremely careful: if the jar is cold and the water is very hot, the glass may crack.

  • Depressurize. The lid is under a strong vacuum and has been pulled in so tightly that it cannot be opened by simply twisting it. The most important thing is to ensure air flow into the jar.You can take a bottle cap remover, knife, or other sharp object and lightly pry the cap off. When you hear a characteristic pop, you can unwind it. A gap of 0.6 mm is enough to allow air to enter the jar. Be careful not to damage the neck or break the glass, otherwise it will get into the product.
  • Thread lubrication. This method is relevant for containers with honey or jam. Turn the jar over and add a couple of drops of sunflower oil in several places. Then you need to wait 25 minutes (this is enough for the oil to penetrate everywhere and lubricate the surfaces) and unscrew the lid. In the future, it will not stick to the neck for a long time.
  • Knock. You can simply tap the jar with something wooden or plastic. The main thing is not to damage it. If the lid is not glued or stuck, these actions will quickly help you open the jar.

Comments and feedback:

Whatever nonsense a person can come up with, knocking on a can and the like, I have been using for many years the proven method of unscrewing the can with two fingers. We put the can on the lid, put the iron on the lid, plug it into the socket, after a minute we open the lid. I think every family has an iron.


My oil filter wrench is not in the garage, but in the kitchen. I change the oil in my car once a year, and I open the cans every time. The key fits the lid and opens easily and there is no need to heat anything. And the main thing is that it does not spoil the lid.


Dissertation on the topic: “Door. And its ability to open outward and inward.”


I heat it with an iron and unscrew it, wearing a rubber glove so as not to get burned.


WD-40 helps a lot


The earth has been taken over by idiots!!!! The next one will explain how to use toilet paper, with a full description of the action, find the center of the back, slightly above the tailbone and with a smooth but confident downward movement, passing between the buttocks, try to achieve maximum cleanliness, periodically checking the paper for the presence of residues. it will be described somehow like this, although no, I myself unwittingly became one of these idiots, sorry for taking away your bread and likes


Slightly ABOVE the tailbone?! Is your physiology different? 🙂


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