9 pointless chores that waste a lot of time

There are some household chores, the benefits of which are rather doubtful, and they take a colossal amount of time. If you prioritize and give up on pointless activities, you may find that the world continues to spin and the sun continues to shine. And the house is still just as clean and tidy. Be sure to cross out these tasks from your daily plan - nothing terrible will happen.


Rub linoleum with mastic

If you constantly rub linoleum with a special coating, it will “live” for about 12 years. If you don’t spend time on this, it will take 10 years. Now we add up the price of all the jars that you will use during this period, and be sure to add the cost of your efforts and time. We estimate how much the new coating will cost, compare the amount received with the amount spent, and draw the right conclusions.

Sort laundry

The situation is probably familiar to many: there is a basket with things in which everything is in one pile - bedding, underwear, socks, faded jeans. Before washing, we definitely start sorting through the pile, sorting them correctly. Dark - to dark, light - separately. Of course, you don’t have to do this for long, but it’s enough to get tired, especially if the family consists of several people.

It is much easier to purchase a basket with two compartments and teach your family to do the sorting themselves. By the way, the same applies to socks, but after washing. It is completely useless to hang them in pairs, since you will have to do this again when they dry.

Sorting laundry

Stand at the stove

It’s an absolutely pointless exercise to keep a vigil over a pot of broth and skim off the constantly arising foam. Moreover, it can be strained at the end.

By the way, there is an opinion that it is the foam that gives that rich fat that makes dishes more nutritious and flavorful.

And if you still want to get a mega-clear soup, then there is a life hack. It's very simple. Initially, a piece of meat should be placed in a small saucepan and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the foam will begin to rise. It is at this moment that the pan needs to be removed from the stove, rinsed the meat and sent to the main container where the soup or borscht will be cooked. Thus, it turns out that your foam has already disappeared, so you don’t have to worry and get on with some other, more important matter.

Boil the broth

Transfer the prepared dish

This situation is also common. And such actions are absolutely meaningless. What is the point of pouring leftover food from one pan to another? After all, then you still have to wash this mountain of dishes.

The only exception is when you need to cook something, and the necessary utensils are occupied with other food.

Clean the bathtub every day

It will be completely clean if you teach all your family to rinse surfaces after taking it. Naturally, there may be traces of soap and shampoo on the walls in the form of a dark stripe, but if everyone cleans up after themselves, then there will be no need to clean it daily using special products.

Bathtub cleaning

Remove stains from aluminum

Darkening of aluminum is a natural process. Perhaps for this reason, cleaning stains on pots and pans is not a rewarding task: they will still remain, and even new ones will appear. Buy better quality cookware, such as enameled or stainless steel.

Iron bed linen and towels

Naturally, pillowcases and sheets will not smooth out on their own. But who will criticize you for not ironing your bed sheets? Perhaps no one. It is unlikely that your guests will look into your bed, trying to assess the degree of crumpling of the bed. Moreover, after the first night it will be completely unclear whether you ironed the accessories or not.

Bed sheets

Wipe dishes dry

Sometimes it seems that this activity was invented by someone very cruel, so that a person would feel all the pain, without acceptance or denial. Firstly, it takes a lot of time. Secondly, experts believe that it is not so safe. Any towel you use to wipe dishes may contain bacteria and residues of aggressive detergents (including powder!), which will then safely enter our body.


Rinse dishes before dishwashing

You may not believe it, but the quality of the wash will not improve. Naturally, you need to clean off food residues from plates and bowls, but washing them additionally is a completely useless exercise. A dishwasher is quite capable of doing this on its own, and in some cases it can do it better than a human.


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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers