8 places in the apartment that immediately show how often you clean

The bathroom, the hallway, the toilet, the floor - what else will indicate that the owner of the apartment doesn’t really like to tidy up? And how can you figure out that you are lazy? We're talking about 8 places that will immediately reveal your dislike for cleaning.


The house begins with this room, and therefore order here should be maintained with special care. Whatever one may say, guests get their first impression of the house (and also of its owner!) at the door. Scattered shoes, a dirty doormat, a bunch of small things - all this hints that cleaning in this apartment is carried out infrequently.

If you still keep order, but the hallway still looks untidy, then you just need to make it a rule to put your shoes in a closet or on a shelf, and put little things in special organizers for storage.



Tiles, sink and bathtub, mirror - all these objects will immediately tell about your habits. Usually, before guests arrive in a cleaned bathroom, all that remains is to wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth and the room will immediately sparkle with cleanliness. If cleaning has not been carried out for a long time, then stains on the mirrors, stains on the tiles, limescale on the plumbing, dust on the shelves and other similar unpleasant little things are added here.



This item is especially delicate, and it is the main enemy of cleanliness in your home. Stains on internal (and external!) surfaces form very quickly.As a result, ceramic products become covered with a layer of yellowness and plaque, which is not so easy to remove. A clean toilet is one of the main indicators of order in the house, and in order not to bring it to a state of total dirt, cleaning should be done more often.



Perhaps this room is the main contender for the title of “dirtiest in the house.” Sometimes it's not enough to just wipe the floor and wash the dishes. The feeling of chaos still remains. And all because the overall impression can be spoiled by unwashed kitchen towels, stains on the curtains, a greasy hood, an uncleaned stove, an overflowing trash can (plus an unpleasant smell!), and a cluttered countertop. All these little things will immediately tell about the owner’s cleanliness at the first glance at them.

In order for order in the kitchen to become a frequent guest, you just need to pay attention to all these little things. Better yet, develop some healthy habits:

  • change textiles on time;
  • wash window curtains once a month;
  • use special covers for the stove that will prevent fat and food debris from reaching its surface;
  • disassemble the tabletop - most of the items, as a rule, are not often used, and therefore it is better to send them to closed shelves;
  • take out the trash daily.

Window sills

“Who sees these window sills there - curtains, indoor flowers ...” - such a thought can occur to many, and therefore a significant part of unnecessary rubbish is often sent to them, and the place simply turns into a landfill. Then it is forgotten, objects accumulate dust. But it is worth saying that there is absolutely no need to do this, since window sills are one of the indicators of the tidiness of the owner of the house. It is better to remove everything from surfaces (except indoor plants) and wipe them with a damp sponge in time.Maintaining order also has its own bonus - sunlight will freely enter the house, and therefore it will become brighter and even more comfortable.

Window sills


It would seem - how can gender characterize a person as dirty? It's simple. When there are a lot of crumbs and dust on it (and believe me, you can feel it!), small things are scattered (take the notorious socks), dirty carpets and paths are laid out, stains and stains are visible, then it will not go unnoticed by someone else.

Yes, no one says to scrub the flooring every minute or even daily, but you still need to keep the floor clean. For example, it is enough to vacuum and do wet cleaning once every three days, and the situation will change radically.


Armchairs and chairs

Here their clutter plays a major role. If clothes are piled up on these pieces of furniture, then there can be no talk of any order. And if dirty things are also sent there, then an unpleasant smell in the room is added to everything. To prevent chairs and armchairs from becoming the culprits of your untidiness, develop the habit of not putting absolutely anything on their backs. Clean clothes feel great on hangers in the closet, and dirty clothes feel great in the drum of the washing machine.

Armchairs and chairs

Loggia, balcony

Usually the entrance to these places is closed to outsiders, and it is unlikely that anyone will specifically look into what is going on there. However, both the balcony and the loggia will immediately indicate how much you love order. If there are no additional storage spaces in the apartment, all unnecessary trash goes there. But storing things there can be organized in different ways.Some people carefully hang additional shelves and racks and strictly sort all items, while others simply stack boxes in a chaotic manner, thereby creating a huge mountain in which they themselves will later become entangled. It is precisely the second option that reveals the owner of the apartment as a person who does not really like cleaning and order.


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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers