7 ways to save yourself from the heat if you don't have air conditioning

Summer is infrequent, but it delights with truly hot weeks. However, after just a couple of days of high above-zero temperatures, people begin to dream of autumn coolness and seriously think about purchasing an air conditioner. The split system is, in general, not a bad thing. But its price does not in any way encourage a purchase. However, there are several ways to help lower the temperature at home without using an air conditioner. Today we will talk about them.

Open all windows

Not a bad way, which only the lazy don’t know about. However, it often leads to the completely opposite effect! For example, if you open the windows at noon, the inhabitants of the house will quickly feel like a pie in the oven. So this can only be done during periods of low solar activity. Late evening, night or early morning, for example.

And then close them

A non-standard option, but quite effective, no matter how much it contradicts historical consciousness. The method works especially well with thick curtains. They will be able to protect the room from overly active sunlight and keep the apartment relatively cool.


Windows covered with curtains

In addition, you can buy a special reflective film. To stick it on, your own strength is enough. An additional advantage of this method will be the ability to enjoy the scenery outside the window and not feel damp in a dungeon.

Wet the curtains


This is also a rather original way to solve the sun problem. However, oddly enough, it works. So, the plan is simple: open the windows and heartily spray water on the curtains from a spray bottle. More humid and cooler air will begin to flow into the room through the wet fabric. True, you will be able to actively enjoy it only for half an hour, and then the procedure will have to be repeated.

Or freeze the bed

Before going to bed, you can put the sheets for sleeping in the freezer for about ten minutes, no more. To prevent them from getting wet, it is better to first put them in a plastic bag. And from a hygiene point of view, this will be the optimal solution. Then, with a clear conscience, you can lie down on cold bed linen and enjoy the coolness.

Vegetation to the rescue

Flower in a pot

Few people realize that flowers can become a good living air conditioner. Firstly, tall plants will block the window from sunlight. Secondly, they fill the room with oxygen, moisture and freshness. The main thing is not to forget to water your green friends. The best options are aloe, palm trees, ferns, ficus, sansevieria (also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “pike tail”).

Without ice - nowhere

It would seem that frozen water can only lower the temperature inside a person. However, in fact, it can make his surroundings cooler. The easiest solution is bottles of ice. They just need to be placed around the perimeter of the room. While the ice melts, the room will remain at a more or less normal temperature. One of the advantages of this method is the ability to re-freeze the same used liquid.

Ice bottle

Advice! Instead of bottles, you can fill regular balloons with water. But only half! They will not only help with the heat, but will also lift your spirits.

If there is a fan in the house, then you can make a simple semblance of an air conditioner. To do this, prepare ice cubes, pour them into a plate, and place an ordinary household fan in front of it. Voila—especially cool air floats around the room.

Turning off the lights

Surprisingly, ordinary incandescent lamps turn out to be quite strong sources of heat. This is why you should turn off all unnecessary lights or buy energy-saving appliances. They heat up much less. And it's better for your wallet. A drop in temperature of a couple of degrees in the dark is guaranteed!

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