7 simple and personally proven life hacks to speed up house cleaning

It's unlikely that anyone likes to spend the weekend with a mop in their hands. But cleaning can be greatly simplified if you know how. Today, for example, I will talk about 7 personally tested life hacks that will help speed up the process of putting things in order.

Plan optimization

Chaotic actions only get in the way, especially when it comes to cleaning. It is stupid, for example, to first wash the floors and then wipe the dust from the cabinets. And in general, having a clear action plan significantly speeds up the process. The optimal order looks like this:

  • Put scattered things back in their places.
  • Wipe the dust.
  • Vacuum the floor.
  • Walk everywhere with a mop.

Moreover, the last two points must come one after another. If you do “dry” cleaning one day and “wet” cleaning the next, it will become noticeably dirtier.

Dust control

Dust particles can easily be prevented from sticking to hard surfaces. To do this, you need to add fabric softener to the water. After wiping your furniture with this solution, you can enjoy cleanliness for a longer period of time. By analogy, after cleaning, surfaces are sprayed with an antistatic agent. However, it does not have the most pleasant smell. And it’s always harmful for them to breathe.

Fabric softener

Preparations for the future

You can save time by preparing for cleaning in advance. First of all, collect all the necessary tools and resources in one place.Thanks to this, you won’t have to be distracted by searching for them. In addition, complex surfaces should be “prepared.” For example, pour detergent over the toilet or stove, and then go away to dust or vacuum. Then all that remains is to quickly wipe off the softened fat or plaque. However, it is important to monitor the aggressiveness of the products and not leave strong substances on delicate surfaces for a long time.

products suitable for the care of suspended ceilings

Hard-to-reach equipment

You can speed up cleaning the insides of your microwave or oven using water and lemon. In a heat-resistant bowl, mix the liquid and a few slices of citrus fruit. Then you should put this potion in the oven until it boils. The steam will penetrate the dirt and soften it. After just five minutes, you can open the door and wipe all surfaces with a regular damp cloth. There are no chemicals, and the aroma remains pleasant.

Lemon in the microwave

Bathroom cleaning

Even during your morning procedures, you can spend only a couple of minutes to clean the washbasin. It often happens that toothpaste falls past the brush. However, you shouldn’t just wash it off: it is an excellent abrasive. It quickly clears limescale around the mixer. Plus, as with lemon, it also smells nice.


Well, lubricating the surface with a mixture of water and hair conditioner will help reduce the accumulation of condensation on the mirror. This life hack works by analogy with the “dust” hack that I described above.

Hair conditioner

Washing machine

She herself significantly reduces worries, but this assistant also needs care. Once a month you should run it with an empty drum, putting a glass of citric acid in the washing powder compartment. It is important to set the maximum permissible temperature. Thus, it will be possible to clean the insides of scale without any effort.By the way, you can replace the acid with table vinegar.

Washing machine drum

Shine without streaks

All housewives know how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of not only dirt on the surface of the glass, but also the traces that appear after cleaning. A simple microfiber cloth will help prevent this. Its special structure will eliminate the need to use any liquids (except water). Yes, yes, this is not a marketing ploy at all. When used correctly, it leaves no residue and allows you to achieve the perfect shine. By the way, it’s also great for wiping equipment screens.

Microfiber cloth

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers