7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

A home is a reliable fortress from work troubles, bad weather and an aggressive world. Many people want to cross the threshold of their own apartment, close the door and exhale. But at home there is an atmosphere of fatigue, everything is annoying, and you can’t rest. And harmless things can be to blame.

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

Constantly working TV

The information flow affects a person constantly. If it doesn’t stop at home, you can safely forget about the feeling of relaxation. TV is just one of the sources of information noise. Even harmless programs and educational programs on TV can cause feelings of fatigue and apathy. So if your hand reaches out to turn on the TV immediately upon returning home, you should not give in to this desire. Falling asleep to the sound of TV is also harmful. Sound and light reduce the production of melatonin, which affects the body's recovery during sleep.

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue


No, a sterile apartment will not add health and vigor either. But scattered things, a layer of dust, and dirty windows negatively affect the human psyche. In addition, dust and dirt can cause allergies or infections. If the feeling of apathy and fatigue has reached its limit, cleaning the apartment will help. It’s worth looking through cabinets, shelves and boxes hidden away, throwing away excess junk and arranging things as conveniently as possible.And if you don’t have the energy or desire to clean, there are many cleaning agencies that will clean your apartment at a convenient time. And in a clean apartment it’s easier to think.

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

Blue and other cool wall shades

Blue, gray and blue colors give the room a feeling of freshness. They have a calming effect on hot-tempered and emotional people, but their widespread use in the interior is not recommended. If you really like the blue shades of the walls, then you can paint any room except the bedroom this color. A bedroom in gray-blue tones will not give you a feeling of cheerfulness even after a long and sound sleep. In order not to plunge into a state of eternal fatigue, colorists advise choosing warm shades for the walls in the bedroom.

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

Lack of lighting

Dark rooms lead to bad thoughts, prevent you from relaxing and negatively affect your vision. Darkness helps you rest only in your sleep. The rest of the time, it is recommended to provide the apartment with sufficient light. In summer and sunny days, simply abandon curtains and blinds. And in winter, install additional lamps, floor lamps and more powerful light bulbs. In addition, individual floor lamps or lamps add coziness to the room. They can be placed next to the work area or book reading area and save your eyesight.

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

Scented candles and sticks

All people perceive smells differently. But even with different perceptions, the brain gets tired of the constant mixing of aromas and their intrusiveness. Therefore, you need to use scented candles and diffusers wisely. Smells should not be mixed and it is better to let one aroma spread throughout the entire apartment, rather than 2-3 mixed from different corners.

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

The best solution is to regularly ventilate the room and clean it.And if the natural smell is not enough, you need to use aromatic products wisely. It is better to choose citrus scents for the morning hours: they invigorate. And the lavender smell will soothe and lull you to sleep. And the main thing is not to overdo it with the smell. One or two hours is often enough to fill the apartment with a light and unobtrusive aroma.

Cold in the apartment

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

Ventilation is very important for the home, but excessive cold is also the enemy of cheerfulness. If the apartment is constantly cold, then you just want to wrap yourself in a blanket and take a nap for a couple of hours. Therefore, during the day it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature so as not to wrap yourself in a blanket. And you need to freshen your apartment before going to bed.

Gadgets before bed

7 unexpected things in the house that cause fatigue

Scrolling through social networks or news feeds before going to bed and immediately after waking up is a frequent ritual for modern people. But an excess of information prevents you from falling asleep at first, and in the morning it piles up and loads your brain with extraneous information. To help your brain rest at night, it’s best not to use your phone at least an hour before bed. It is not always possible to move it far from the bed - many people use a smartphone alarm clock.

Therefore, a bad habit can be replaced with a useful one. Before going to bed, instead of using your phone, you can chat with a loved one, meditate, take a walk in the fresh air, or take a bath. And spend 15-20 minutes of internet in the morning on preparing a delicious breakfast, doing exercises or showering.

Such little things surround a person and do not attract his attention. But if you change at least a couple of points in your life, your strength and vigor will increase significantly from the very first days. And behind the beneficial influence, a desire will arise to improve your lifestyle in the future.

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