7 Scientific Reasons Why You Should Have Plants in Your Home

As the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen accurately said: “To live, you need the sun, freedom and a small flower.” Was the author right? A lot of research has been done on this. Of course, not specifically over the phrase. But freedom is a basic need of any person. Sunlight makes us a little happier, and we need it both for physical development and for the psycho-emotional component. Living plants, it turns out, similarly perform an important task, and do not just stand on windowsills, decorating the interior.

There are 7 reasons that rightly explain why any home should have indoor flowers.


Relieve stress

Unfortunately, numerous surveys show that every fourth woman experiences stressful shocks not just every day, but also several times a day. And it’s hard to disagree with this even without research - we constantly worry about even minor troubles.

And so scientists conducted an experiment. They wanted to figure out simple ways to relieve stress. And the result turned out to be quite interesting. It turns out that small gifts (something like a small scented candle) reduce stress by half, but plants - by three quarters. Most women said they felt more balanced and even a little happier when they saw their plants blooming.


Positively affects mood

Men, take note! It is believed that when a girl receives a houseplant as a gift, her mood improves significantly. Probably, this mechanism of nature’s influence on a woman will never break.

Of course, to perfect the method 200%, you can attach a fur coat or a small diamond to the pot, but the method will work even without such amazing ideas.


Calms men

No matter how strange it may be, the strong half of humanity also loves indoor plants. They like to watch not only the growth process, but even flowering. And, of course, at the same time realize that this is the work of their hands.

Plants not only have a calming effect on a man, but also give him a feeling of confidence and self-worth.

Man and flowers

Strengthen relationships

The presence of indoor plants in the house develops compassion in people, the desire to help and care for someone. Moreover, the degree of empathy increases: we understand each other better and try to predict desires. But mutual understanding is the key to any relationship. Moreover, this works not only in love, but also in friendship.

A person who cares about nature will also care about the people around him. It will be much easier for him to establish a connection with them, especially one that is based on common interests.


Improve memory

Scientists have long been very actively studying the relationship between humans and plants, as well as the influence of the latter on the quality of life of each of us. And in 2005, Rutgers completed one very interesting study on the effect of plants on the memory of older people. And it turned out that episodic memory is much better in people who have green pets in their home and are cared for.According to scientists, indoor flowers activate areas of the human brain responsible for memory.


Able to improve sleep

Only the lazy have not heard that the aroma of lavender helps to fall asleep and improve sleep. In fact, this is a long-proven fact: those who breathe in the aromas of lavender every day sleep better and wake up cheerful and rested.


Moreover, there are several such green “sleeping pills” that will not do you any harm at all:

  • Hippeastrum, orchid, echmea, rosemary will help you sleep.
  • Cyperus will relieve snoring.
  • Crassula for stress insomnia.
  • Ginura from nightmares.
  • Plants that bloom with red flowers - to make it easier to wake up.

And another fun fact: the aroma of jasmine intensifies at night. And according to research by German scientists, it has a calming effect. Experts from Heinrich Hein University (Dusseldorf) came to the conclusion that molecules of jasmine scent, entering the bloodstream from the lungs, can serve as an almost complete replacement for expensive sleeping pills.


Speed ​​up recovery

Moreover, we are talking not only about colds and flu, but also about recovery from serious injuries and operations. It turns out that scientists conducted an experiment right in hospitals. It turned out that people in whose rooms there were living plants recovered much faster: their blood pressure was normal, the pain was not so painful, their stress decreased, and fatigue came much later.

And also some indoor flowers can become a real doctor during the cold season - they kill viruses and bacteria. These are geranium, eucalyptus, myrtle, prickly pear, paperomia, laurel.


After all, indoor plants are an important component that affects the internal comfort and state of mind of any person.Be sure to place a small bush or a neat tree on the windowsill, and you will immediately notice that not only the interior, but also your mood will be transformed.

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