6 items in every home that can and should be cleaned in the summer

With the arrival of warmer weather, many people don’t think about the fact that our house is full of things that need to be cleaned in the summer? Why now, and not in winter? More about everything later in the article.

Air conditioner

Considering the fact that this device has been idle for a long time, it is cleaned just at the beginning of summer. The fact is that during cold weather, the air conditioner rarely turns on, which allows dust and dirt to settle inside the structure. As soon as you turn on the device in the hope of cooling the room, along with such long-awaited streams of cold air, not only the notorious dust penetrates into the apartment, but also entire colonies of pathogenic microbes that have managed to settle there.

It is for this reason that it is recommended to clean the air conditioner before intensive use. In addition, this protects not only from dirt entering the house, but also increases the service life of the device itself.

air conditioner


Why in summer? The answer is simple - after a general wash, carpets are the easiest to dry, given the dense materials they are made of. Drying such products in winter or even early spring is difficult and not always practical. Very often, improperly dried carpets (or even not completely dry) cause mold and mildew to appear in the house, which has a rather bad effect on the health of all household members.And getting rid of this problem is sometimes not only difficult, but sometimes even impossible.

Fortunately, recently you don’t have to wash the carpets yourself - the service market offers to carry out this labor-intensive task at special enterprises, where your carpet will be cleaned using special equipment and products, and it will look like new. To be honest, such a service is not cheap, but you can forget about carpets for another year and enjoy their cleanliness for a long time.


Curtains and drapes

Typically, curtains and curtains are washed twice a year - during seasonal window cleaning - in autumn and spring. However, this does not mean that they remain pure the rest of the time. Do not forget that in the summer the windows are usually not closed, but left for ventilation, or even completely open. The summer wind brings dust and sand into your home, which safely settles on window textiles and accumulates a huge layer of dust.

The best option is to wash your curtains every two to three weeks. The situation is made easier by the fact that summer curtains are often made from lightweight materials, which means that, as a rule, they do not need ironing. You should simply wash the curtains and hang them while still wet on the curtain rod. Under the influence of its own weight, the canvas will straighten itself - without folds or creases.


Mosquito net

I don’t know if you know, but usually mosquito nets are removed from windows in the autumn-spring period. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is that during the winter period this window accessory is exposed to various influences - snow, rain, frost. Very often, the conditions of such operation lead to the fact that the mesh is deformed, torn, and the plastic base may even crack.For this reason, the mosquito net is removed for the winter - there are no insects, and therefore its use is impractical.

As a rule, it is stored in the pantry, on the loggia, on the closet (for me personally, under the bed). It is clear that over a long period of time a huge layer of dust accumulates on it. And just at the moment when you decide to seasonally wash your windows, you should remember about the mosquito net - it also needs cleaning. However, washing it once a year is not enough. To keep the mesh clean and not become a testing ground for millions of bacteria, it should be cleaned at least once a month. Agree that it is not that difficult.

mosquito net

Mattress and winter blanket

Manufacturers usually recommend cleaning your mattress and winter blanket once every six months. However, how many of us strictly follow this recommendation?

With a blanket the situation is more complicated, since putting it into the drum of a washing machine is a difficult and risky task. Moreover, there is a risk both for the blanket itself and for the washing machine, which may simply not be able to handle the weight of the product and break. The best option is to take your blanket to the dry cleaner, where they will use gentle techniques to restore your winter blanket's cleanliness and freshness.

But with a mattress it’s a little easier - you can clean it yourself. To do this, use soft brushes, a weak soap solution or special detergents.

winter blanket


Why clean the freezer in the summer? The answer is simple - usually in the summer it is filled with fruits and vegetables, which we then use in the winter. And the most interesting thing is that we can wipe down the refrigerator at least every week, but sometimes we forget about the freezer, or we’re simply lazy. So summer is exactly the time when you should remember it.

Just remove all the products from it, conduct an audit (checking all shelf life), throw away the spoiled products. Next, wipe the containers with a damp cloth (or detergent, as you see fit), and then fill the freezer with seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables.

frozen berries

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers