5 Workplace Items You Need to Throw Away Right Now

The workplace should be clean and simple. Unnecessary items not only clog drawers and countertops, but also interfere with concentration. That is why it is worth throwing away everything unnecessary more often. However, sometimes it’s difficult to even understand that the accumulated rubbish can be thrown into the trash without a twinge of conscience. And today I will help with this by talking about 10 things that need to be thrown out of the workplace.

Receipts, documents, business cards

I’ll be honest: before conducting personal research, I didn’t even know how many people kept them. And even in paper form! Well, let's say checks for expensive purchases, like a laptop or refrigerator - this is justified. But why do you need a piece of paper left over from a Friday trip to the store? This category also includes old documents. Why keep receipts that are a year old or already yellowed notices from the bank?

Envelopes and bills

However, some people may need these papers. For example, to maintain a personal budget or so that if something happens there are no problems with the law. However, this is also not a reason to keep them in paper form. It's easier to scan them and keep them on your computer. The same goes for business cards. Why not just transfer important numbers to your phone or a separate address book?

Old or unwanted notebooks and diaries

Some things can hold sentimental meaning. For example, letters, drawings or manuscripts.They may take up free space, but in return they give inspiration and emotions. But it’s better to throw exclusively household diaries or notebooks filled with to-do lists and ancient work information into the trash. As a last resort, scan and store electronically.

Stacks of notepads

Important! Anything that can be thrown away should be recycled. In the case of equipment, give it away or sell it.


How many people keep a desk holder filled to the brim with pens, pencils, and other supplies? Enough for it to become a stereotype. But I'm willing to bet that most of this stuff is just collecting dust. Especially in a home office. After all, people work mostly at the computer.

Pile of pens

Empty pens or broken rulers are a separate matter. Usually they are simply thrown away in a drawer and forgotten. But sometimes they desperately try to use it, despite obvious interference. Such pettiness suits no one, and it also makes life more difficult.

Old equipment and unnecessary wires

I've never been a fan of keeping stray USB cables in closets. I even neglect spare chargers, not to mention more specific things. Why keep an HDMI to DP adapter if you only have a new laptop in the house? Already almost antique Nokia push-button phones and chargers for them are in the same place. “Technology was better before” is just a common misconception. Most likely, these old “bricks” will no longer be useful to anyone in the civilized world.

Pile of wires

Disks and floppy disks

Another relic that wastes free space. It may seem that DVD or even CD are more profitable in terms of storing electronic information. Why, they’re cheaper than flash drives. However, this is not true, because they are smaller in volume, take up more space and are not as flexible in control.What can I say, not all PCs even have disk drives anymore! I’m generally silent about old floppy disks.

Pile of disks

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers