5 repair mistakes that can seriously harm the health of the owners

Renovating an apartment or house is a very important stage in the life of every family. And before starting it, it is necessary to take into account all the details: choosing the right time, high-quality building materials, appropriate furniture, etc.

Wrong timing for repairs

A very important point in this matter is the repair time. After all, the period chosen for home renovation plays a huge role for the health of each family member.

It is generally accepted that summer is the best period for repair work, because glued wallpaper, plaster and paint dry much faster. But there is also a drawback - the evaporation of harmful substances increases and has a detrimental effect on human health. Therefore, while the paint or wallpaper glue is drying, you should leave the room.Man after painting a wall.

Also, you should not plan renovations before the arrival of a small family member. Many young parents believe that before the birth of a child they should definitely renovate their apartment. But in fact, one should take into account the fact that after repairs, the baby and young mother will inhale harmful fumes from building materials. Therefore, repairs should be planned in advance.

Important! The appearance of the home must be refreshed every five years.

Use of harmful finishing materials and furniture

When purchasing finishing materials and furniture, you need to pay special attention to their composition, smell and appearance.

Very often, manufacturers add harmful industrial waste to building materials, which can cause not only an allergic reaction in a person, but also seriously harm his health.

Attention! Try to purchase finishing materials at construction stores.

Finishing materials must have the following components:

  1. The finishing coating must contain fungicidal elements.
  2. Primers, enamels, paints and other materials must be of high quality and not contain toxic substances.
  3. Wallpaper adhesives should not contain harmful chemicals.Paint for children.

Important! When purchasing building material, pay attention to its smell. If it is sharp, then this product is unsafe for health.

As for furniture, it can also contain harmful elements - this depends on the material from which it is made and the manufacturer.

Since furniture made from natural wood is quite expensive, many families purchase furniture made from chipboard. This material consists of sawdust and shavings that are glued together with resin.

If furniture made from this material is made poorly or has cracks, then it can cause irreparable harm to health, since after production it releases poison for another 15 years.

Therefore, when purchasing furniture made from chipboard, carefully inspect the appearance of the furniture; it must be intact, without cracks or damage.

Failure to comply with the rules for working with repair materials

Even if you have purchased all high-quality and safe building materials, this does not mean that you can make repairs as you please.

During repair work, you must follow all the rules specified in the instructions for the purchased materials. After all, the slightest non-compliance with recommendations can cause harm.

Important! You should not use materials of unknown origin, left over from the previous owners of the house, or those that have passed their expiration date.

Excess of household appliances

Today, many household appliances have been invented that make the work of every housewife easier: microwave oven, blender, dishwasher, juicer, etc. But it is worth noting that each of the appliances has its own magnetic field, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. Therefore, you should not use several devices at the same time, since the fields, overlapping each other, lead to radiation, which negatively affects health.Lots of household appliances.

The serviceability of the electrical wiring also plays an important role. Therefore, before connecting devices to the network, protect yourself, call a specialist and check its serviceability.

Important! Even if the owner of the apartment understands electricity, it is still better to contact a specialist.Working with electricity.

Incorrect placement of wireless devices

Not many people know how to properly position a wireless network device in the house so as to protect themselves and their loved ones from high-frequency radiation. So, you shouldn’t place it in the living room, much less in the bedroom; the best place would be the corridor. Thus, the device will be further away from people and have less impact on their health.

In homes where young mothers and small children live, it is recommended to use wired Internet with a modem, rather than installing sensors that distribute Wi-Fi.

Reference! When watching television programs, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least one and a half meters between you and the TV.

You should spend less time on a computer or laptop - no more than two hours a day.

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Washing machines

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