5 false rules of cleanliness in the house that are better to reconsider

Exhausting spring cleaning on weekends, daily floor cleaning, ironing bed linen... Today I will dispel the myth about the benefits of these tasks! I will analyze common stereotypes about cleaning that many have been instilled with since childhood and tell you how to clean up your home quickly and without much effort.

General cleaning is required

Undoubtedly, cleaning the house should be regular and timely. But for some reason we all associate this event with a two-day exhausting marathon, when everything is washed, cleaned, rubbed and vacuumed. The service is taken out of the sideboard and polished, the kitchen undergoes a thorough cleaning (taking almost the whole day), wash after wash, carpets are knocked out, the contents of the mezzanine are sorted out. As a rule, spring cleaning turns into grueling slavery, and it often happens on weekends, when people are supposed to rest.

But you must admit that such events can be completely eliminated from life if you declutter your apartment and clean up the mess every day in small portions throughout the house. You just need to make a clear plan and follow it strictly. For example, Monday - cleaning the bathroom, Tuesday - cleaning the hood from grease, Wednesday - removing dust, Thursday - changing bedding and washing, Friday - vacuuming and washing the floors. Naturally, your schedule may look completely different.However, if you spend at least 20-30 minutes every day putting things in order, then you can forget about global general cleaning.


Iron is important!

From childhood, we remembered one main rule - everything needs to be ironed, and preferably at the highest temperature. Towels, curtains, bedding, bathrobes - everything should touch the sole of the iron. Like, this is how bacteria are killed. In fact, there are not so many things that really need to be ironed. And most of them are hanging in your closet.

If you wash at a temperature of 60°C or the laundry is automatically dried, then this is enough to destroy all pathogens. Therefore, if you are too lazy to iron your towels or duvet covers again, then put it off with a clear conscience.


The dirtiest place in the house is the toilet.

I think it’s no secret to anyone that there are much more polluted places in the house than we would like. There are objects that are dirtier than the toilet and they also need to be cleaned:

  • handles of entrance and interior doors;
  • switches and sockets;
  • computer accessories - keyboard, mouse;
  • the pipe behind that notorious toilet;
  • space under the sofa/chair/bed;
  • remote controls.

And the greatest danger in the bathroom is not even the toilet, but bacteria that multiply intensively on wet materials and surfaces: shower curtains, toothbrushes, towels that don’t dry out. All this needs to be treated with an antiseptic, and even better, the room should be ventilated daily.


The main thing is to wash the floors

If you think that wet cleaning will replace other tidying activities, then this is not so. Cleaning the flooring alone is not enough.Even if you wash off the dirt from the surface of the linoleum/laminate/parquet, but if you have a thick layer of dust on the shelves of your cabinets, then it will certainly end up at the bottom, and all your efforts will simply be in vain.

It is much more effective to wipe all horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth and then use a vacuum cleaner.

Clean the floor

Remove dust collectors

It is generally accepted that carpets, curtains, decorative pillows, upholstery and other textile elements collect a lot of dust, which most likely causes allergies in everyone living in the house. This is true, but you don’t have to wait until you start sneezing and choking. To solve the problem with such dust collectors, it is enough to properly care for them:

  • buy removable furniture covers and wash them at least once every two to three weeks;
  • also put the curtains into the automatic machine drum on time (optimally - once a month);
  • carpets require careful treatment with a vacuum cleaner and sometimes with a damp sponge;
  • Choose decorative interior elements that can be easily washed in water - this will minimize the amount of dust in the house.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers