12 everyday tips from the past to help the ideal housewife

Creating comfort in your “nest” is not a problem! Let's turn to previous generations for help. Life experience cannot be canceled. And the secrets of our mothers and grandmothers are invaluable help in the household.

Grandmother's advice

Instead of a foreword! Many chemical compounds are harmful to health. Natural remedies are always at hand. To save your home budget, they are irreplaceable friends.

Let `s start?! So, briefly, about three minutes, no more... free, simple and useful tips for running an ideal household:

Place the “remnants” in a jar and fill with hot water. In a day you will receive an excellent linoleum cleaner. It’s easier with laminate: wipe with a slightly damp cloth. Excess moisture means there is a danger of the floor “heaving”!

Wooden cabinets, curtains and tiles in the bathroom should be wiped immediately if water gets in them. Moisture is a good environment for mold!

Rub nickel faucets until shiny with a cotton cloth. Dried dirt looks unsightly!

Glass and mirrors will shineas good as new if you add a few drops of ammonia to the washing water.

A natural remedy for moths is citrus peel. This harmful butterfly does not like the New Year's smell of tangerines!

An excellent remedy for moths - tangerine peel

We wash bed linen and towels at temperatures above 60°, and be sure to iron them, as our mothers and grandmothers did. The scabies mite, without having time to “come to its senses”, will die immediately. You need to remake your bed once a week. It's hygienic!

Place flour and cereal in store-bought packaging in the refrigerator for 12 hours, then pour into a jar for storage, after putting in a bay leaf and a clove of garlic. The bug will not start after this treatment!

Products made from cupronickel should be placed in hot water with garlic peels, then wiped. They will shine so much that you can look in them instead of a mirror!

Place some baking soda in the refrigerator. All unpleasant odors will disappear!

We get rid of hardened dirt and shiny places on suede shoes using a mixture of half a glass of milk, one teaspoon of soda and two drops of ammonia.

The easiest way to get rid of odors in the house is ventilation. Everything ingenious is simple!

Take your coats and sheepskin coats to the dry cleaner from time to time. Cleaning at home is difficult. A small digression: You can’t get by with natural remedies here!

An exemplary house is the main sign of a good housewife. You need to live where it is clean, everything is in its place, there is always tasty and healthy food on the table... And you can invite guests, you don’t have to blush.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers