10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Does it happen that even after an exhausting day at work you don’t feel like going home? You wander, tired, around the city and look for salvation in the first establishment you come across. Or you quickly run away from your apartment on the weekend because you constantly feel discomfort there. Let's figure out together how to add comfort to the walls of your home so that you always want to return home.

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Play Cinderella

Scattered socks, dust on cabinets, dirty dishes will never become an attribute of a cozy home. Don't neglect cleaning. This does not mean that you need to grab buckets and a mop from the doorway and rush around the rooms, no. Try not to let the apartment fall into disrepair from the start. Do general cleaning once a month and constantly maintain order.

Without fanaticism, you don't need a sterile room.

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Promptly get rid of things you haven't used for a long time. Do not clutter the room with unnecessary items. Be ruthless and throw out everything unnecessary without a shadow of a doubt. You'll be surprised how much space is freed up later.

Bring out the designer in you

No matter how much you build a barn, it will not become a palace. Therefore, take care to make repairs.It is not necessary to hire expensive specialists; there is so much information on design and decoration on the Internet that you can think through the interior and implement most of the ideas yourself. To do this you will have to spend several free evenings. Wander around thematic sites or blogs, decide on the color scheme and style. Take your time, think through everything down to the smallest detail. Draw a design project.

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Don't skimp on materials. Try to choose not only by appearance, but also by touch. Give preference to natural materials. Of course, they require more careful care, but you must agree: it is much more pleasant to walk on a soft cork floor than on slippery linoleum.

Turn on the light

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

One chandelier in the center of the room is not enough! Do not forget about additional light sources: floor lamps, table lamps, spotlights or lighting of individual areas. Create multi-level lighting with different scenarios. Dim lights by the sofa for an evening movie. A floor lamp by the armchair to while away the time with your favorite book. Come up with lighting solutions for several leisure options.

Pay attention to flowers

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Colors create the mood of the entire interior. Use shades that match each other. The color wheel will help you choose the best options. It can be found online along with clear instructions for use.

Be careful with color experiments. It might seem like a great idea at the project stage to accent your living room with a bright red wall, but after a couple of months you'll be ready to cover it up with concealer just so it won't hurt your eyes. Give preference to warm, calm shades.

Update your furniture

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

A comfortable sofa, an easy chair, a bed with an orthopedic mattress are companions of comfort.It's hard to feel rested when you wake up with back pain. And a nice evening with friends playing board games will be easily ruined by a spring protruding from the sofa, which constantly digs into the side. So don't skimp on furniture. This is a matter of not only convenience, but also health.

Use smart storage systems

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Even at the renovation stage, take care of the cleanliness and tidiness of the house by thinking through spacious and comfortable closets. Most often, housewives feel uncomfortable in the kitchen, because all the space on the countertops is taken up by food processors, meat grinders, and coffee makers, which simply have nowhere to put them away. And in a crowded kitchen you don’t want to cook again. Think in advance about multifunctional compartments, shelves, and drawers. Make a custom-made wardrobe, use every centimeter of space wisely. Choose a location for the dressing area in advance. This will minimize the appearance of clutter.

Add textiles

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Let's talk about budget-friendly ways to create comfort. Add pillows, bedspreads, tablecloths. Hang curtains and tulle. Such details convey warmth and serenity. A soft blanket will not only warm you up in bad weather, but will soften the atmosphere in the room.

Don't forget about the scents

The smell is the first thing you encounter when entering an apartment. Make sure that you are greeted with pleasant aromas, and not a mixture of dampness and stuffiness. Make small sachets - fabric bags with natural fillings. It can be dry flower petals, coffee, spices, herbs. Place them throughout the house, leave one in the hallway. So from the threshold you will be enveloped by the enchanting smell of comfort.

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Scented candles are also suitable. Just don’t take paraffin candles, they do more harm than good. Everything is simple here: either use natural wax, or it’s better not to use it. But in the kitchen, refrain from fragrant details.Let only the smell of fresh baked goods reign there.

Tell your story

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Surely there have been many unforgettable moments in your life. Are there any memorabilia from these days? Add them to your interior. Let souvenirs from travel, memorable photos or gifts stand in plain sight. Place your favorite books in corners or on the coffee table. Let your home tell your story. Hang photos of your family and loved ones, paintings - whatever you like! The main thing is that it brings joy.

Do some landscaping

10 secrets for creating a cozy atmosphere in your home

Indoor plants or compositions of fresh flowers will enliven the interior. If botany is alien to you, then make it a rule to buy small bouquets. And in the summer months, many people grow peonies, tulips, and daisies in their dachas. Cut them and put them in a vase. A few daisies or irises will become a bright accent in the interior.

Take care of your home. He, like a living organism, requires attention and care. Take care of it, buy the best. And you yourself will not notice how you will rush home, as if on wings, because you have created a wonderful place for relaxation from it.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers